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Nintendo provided a first look at a new feature in Super Mario Odyssey during its Treehouse Live stream at E3 today. When the game ships in late October, two-player co-op will be included. One player will control Mario while the other controls Cappy. Super Mario Odyssey

This information comes from Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime…

“You know, for us, we believe that having hands-on opportunity married to an announcement is really the best way to do it. And so let’s take Super Mario Odyssey for example. We could have announced it months ago, but we weren’t yet ready, the team wasn’t ready, to show it and to let the consumer really understand visually how the hat mechanic works, how the capture mechanic comes into play. And so that’s how we think these through.”

“For certain games, games that will be in development for, let’s call it a decent amount of time, like Metroid Prime 4 — also, given that it’s a franchise that we know people have been very eager to get some news — that’s when, fine, we’ll share it. We’ll share it early. Others, we want to hold closer in and reveal it when the gameplay is going to be available. It literally is game by game, title by title, how we make that decision.”


Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star arrives on Switch next month. XSEED and Marvelous will make the game available both physically and digitally. If you go for the latter option, you’ll need 3GB of free space.


The third and final day of Nintendo’s E3 2017 festivities will be kicking off soon. Treehouse Live will be back at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET / 6 PM in the UK / 7 PM in Europe and will be airing all day long.

You can watch Nintendo’s latest E3 activities below. We’ll bring you any notable news we come across as well as recordings of each Treehouse segment.

Rebellion has posted the first gameplay footage from Rogue Trooper Redux, which is slated for Switch. Watch the video below.

Something you may have missed from today’s Nintendo Download report are the additions of two new wallpapers on My Nintendo. On the North American version of the site, members can spend points on wallpapers featuring ARMS. Both are 50 Platinum Points each and are up here.

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