Capcom’s official comments on its approach to Switch
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 77 Comments
This past weekend, we added some comments to the site about Capcom’s approach to Switch. The responses have now been official translated and posted on the company’s investor relations website. We have the full remarks rather than summaries.
First, when asked about Capcom’s stance regarding developing for Switch, the publisher said:
“It is excellent to have the market invigorated with new hardware launches. As a software publisher, we endeavor to develop games that offer enjoyment best suited to each piece of hardware’s features and target users. Following first party, in order to introduce our own content we are currently moving forward with internal planning and analysis as a partner company.”
Next, here’s what Capcom said about developing multiplatform titles on Switch:
“We are currently carrying out research with regards to multiplatform implementation of software for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on to the Nintendo Switch and thus are unable to comment at this moment. However, we do feel that there are differences in the desired direction and the play-style of the Nintendo Switch and those of the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One. At Capcom, we determine which platform to release a title for after considering the features of both our software and the hardware in question, believing we must bring the enjoyment of our games to their maximum potential.”
More: Capcom
Tantalus Media (Twilight Princess HD developer) working on Switch
Posted on 8 years ago by Jake in News, Switch | 51 Comments
In an interview with Maxi-Geek, Tantalus Media CEO Tom Crago stated that his studio has been working on projects for the Switch. According to Crago, the studio, which developed The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD, has been working on unannounced titles “for some time”. Crago also stated that Nintendo has made the development process “friendly and systematic,” and that he is personally excited for the Switch’s portability. He also suggested that, if Nintendo fans have any particular titles that they want to see ported, that they should suggest them through Tantalus’s Facebook page.
The full interview can be read here. Crago teased that there would be news soon, but for now we can only wait and speculate what they might be working on.
More: Tantalus Media
Rumor: Development on Mario Switch nearly done, has more exploration than 3D World and Galaxy
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Switch | 111 Comments
Earlier today, Emily Rogers tweeted out some unconfirmed tidbits about the new Mario title for Switch. Nintendo showed a few seconds from the game during its announcement of the system last month.
According to Rogers, the project is “practically finished.” With that in mind, she believes it could be a launch title as opposed to Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The latter game could still make Switch’s launch window, though Mario “was much further along in development than anyone thinks.”
Here’s a roundup of Rogers’ tweets:
More: Mario Switch
Image & Form says Nintendo isn’t “skimping on power” with Switch
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 49 Comments
Nintendo has said relatively little about what’s powering Switch. We know that NVIDIA is packing in a custom Tegra processor, but other than that, the big N has kept quiet. We only have rumors to go on such as the possibility of 4 GB of RAM being included.
At least one third-party developer appears to be pleased with what Nintendo is bringing to the table. Image & Form, developer of the SteamWorld series, told one fan on Twitter that Nintendo isn’t “skimping on power”. When asked further, the studio said that’s compared to previous home consoles.
Image & Form wrote:
@Kassrull Can't comment on specs, I'm afraid. But Nintendo are definitely not skimping on power!
— Image & Form Games (@ImageForm) November 1, 2016
@aaronkoolen @Kassrull Compared to past home consoles 🙂
— Image & Form Games (@ImageForm) November 3, 2016
More: Image & Form
Capcom comments a bit more about how the company is approaching Switch
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 59 Comments
Capcom is already confirmed as a partner for Switch, as was announced a couple of weeks ago. As part of its latest financial results briefing Q&A, president and CEO Kenzo Tsujimoto talked a bit more about the platform.
Tsujimoto noted that it’s pleasing to see a new the appearance of a new platform. Capcom hopes to make games that can offer an experience tailored to the characteristics of each hardware and to the enjoyment of each target audience. Currently, the company is engaged in internal review and planning about offering content for the console as a partner.
Tsujimoto also explained that Capcom is looking into the feasibility of multiplatform development for PS4, Xbox One and Switch. However, it’s too early to be sure, and the feeling is that the Switch offers a different experience compared to those other platforms. As DualShockers notes, “hardware for each game will be selected taking in consideration the characteristics of each hardware, in order to maximize the fun provided to the player.”
More: Capcom
DeNA / Nintendo tidbits – 100 staffers on mobile projects, not making Switch games, more
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News, Switch | 14 Comments
DeNA held its Q2 financial results briefing today. With its close partnership with Nintendo, a number of tidbits were shared about mobile plans, and the company clarified its approach to Switch.
First, in general terms, DeNA is reallocating resources to the Nintendo partnership. That would suggest the two sides will continue working together beyond 2017. Additionally, DeNA views the joint development of Nintendo apps as its “highest priority”. The company would like to become profitable outside Japan as well.
Cube Life: Island Survival HD heading to Switch
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 2 Comments
Cypronia’s sandbox title Cube Life: Island Survival is being revitalized on new platforms. Originally made for the Wii U eShop, the company announced today that the game is now heading to Switch and other non-Nintendo systems.
Cypronia hasn’t said how the new version of Cube Life: Island Survival will play. The indie developer is only calling it an “HD version” – despite the fact that it did originally output in HD on Wii U.
View the first screenshots from Cube Life: Island Survival HD below.
Source: Cypronia PR
More: Cube Life: Island Survival, Cypronia, indie
Ubisoft developing a title for Switch that will “surprise” players
Posted on 8 years ago by Zack in Switch | 70 Comments
Yves Guillemont, Chairman and CEO of Ubisoft, has made some very interesting comments regarding Ubisoft’s plans for the Nintendo Switch.
While we’ve known that Just Dance 2017 is one of the few titles actually confirmed for the Switch, Mr. Guillemont has hinted in a recent Facebook post that there is another, unannounced title being worked on by Ubisoft for the Switch which will “surprise you a lot”.
“With the Switch’s unique capacities and design, Nintendo could again redefine the way we play games! The Switch is accessible at its core and will give people the freedom and the pleasure to share more experiences and play anywhere at anytime. The Ubisoft teams developing games for the Switch are inspired by these new possibilities, and I’m really happy that we’re able to continue doing great things with Nintendo. In addition to Just Dance 2017, I think there’s at least one game that will definitely surprise you!”
An interesting statement, to be sure. Only time will tell what this title turns out to be.
More: Ubisoft, Yves Guillemot
Ubisoft CEO: Switch is “a true innovation”
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 34 Comments
Ubisoft has been praising Switch for several months, and that continued during the company’s financial conference call today. Speaking about the platform in general terms, CEO Yves Guillemot said it’s “great” and “a true innovation.”
Guillemot noted:
“The March quarter will also see the release of the Nintendo Switch. As we already said, we think the platform is great. For the first time ever, players will continue their home console experience on the go while traveling or commuting. That is a true innovation.”
Guillemot later talked about how Switch has the capability of benefiting from the demand for Nintendo games on a dedicated handheld platform – as was the case with 3DS.
More: Ubisoft, Yves Guillemot
Rumor: Switch launching within the week of March 17
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Switch | 24 Comments
Laura Kate Dale from Lets Play Video Games may have some knowledge about Switch’s launch. She’s heard from a source that the PAL date is currently set for March 17 – meaning the day it would be out across Europe and Australia. As for other territories, while the release date won’t be uniform in all regions, Nintendo intends to ship Switch within the same week. Japan may have it a few days earlier.
Dale’s information comes from the same source who informed her about Switch’s reveal trailer date before it was made known. Gamers are advised to take today’s rumor with a grain of salt, though she believes what she’s heard is accurate.
The only window Nintendo shared for Switch’s launch thus far is March 2017. A final date will be known during the system’s blowout presentation on January 12.