Dungeon of Zaar funded on Kickstarter, will be made for Switch
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 2 Comments
Dungeon of Zaar has managed to reach its Kickstarter goal of roughly $28,000. Because of that, the developer intends to make a version of the game for Switch.
Dungeon of Zaar is a “turn-based strategy game taking place in an ancient and magical castle where Explorers fight for treasures”. The team is packing in single-player missions and training, online player-versus-player matches, and local play.
More: Dungeon of Zaar, indie, Kickstarter
Zelda: Breath of the Wild art
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Screenshots, Switch, Wii U | 10 Comments
In celebration of Halloween, Nintendo has released a new piece of Zelda: Breath of the Wild art on the franchise’s Japanese Twitter page. You can see it above.
Level-5 trying to figure out how to take advantage of Switch, won’t have any games at launch
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 25 Comments
Level-5 has been a staunch supporter of Nintendo platforms for many years. This will continue with Switch, as the company is already confirmed to be on board. Just don’t expect any titles immediately.
In an interview with Vandal, CEO Akihiro Hino said Level-5 won’t have any games ready for Switch’s launch. As for why, he explained that they want to “find out the best way to get the most out of the console” and “how to take advantage of it.”
Hino’s full comments:
“We plan to make games for Nintendo Switch, but I think it’s very important to find out the best way to get the most out of the console. For that reason, we won’t have any titles at launch, but we’ll work with it as soon as we figure out how to take advantage of it.”
Level-5 is working on several projects, including Lady Layton, The Snack World, Inazuma Eleven Ares, and Megaton Musashi. Some of these are planned for 3DS, and a couple may end up on Switch as well. Megaton Musashi probably won’t be ready until 2018, so it might make more sense to create it for Switch rather than 3DS.
More: Akihiro Hino, interview, Level-5, top
Rumor: Switch has 4GB of RAM
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Switch | 133 Comments
If the latest rumor is to be believed, Switch will contain 4GB of RAM. That’s according to Emily Rogers, who has been spot-on with most speculation about the system so far.
Why is this noteworthy? Well, Switch would effectively be doubling up on the Wii U in this area. Wii U only offered 2GB of RAM, so 4GB would be a significant jump.
More: top
Zelda: Breath of the Wild screenshots
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Screenshots, Switch, Wii U | 10 Comments
Over on its Japanese blog, Nintendo posted a few (beautiful) screenshots from Zelda: Breath of the Wild. We’ve rounded up the new images below.
Thanks to Jake for the tip.
Final Fantasy XV director “very interested” in Switch
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 48 Comments
Hajime Tabata, the director of Final Fantasy XV, has significant interest in Switch.
Speaking about Nintendo’s console with French outlet Gameblog, Tabata talked about how he is looking forward to the platform as both a developer and a player. This is also the first time in awhile that he’s has had interest in creating titles for a Nintendo platform.
Tabata’s words in full:
More: Hajime Tabata, interview, top
Kadokawa Games “would like to look into the Nintendo Switch”
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 18 Comments
Kadokawa Games has some interest in Switch, according to president Yoshimi Yasuda. In a recent interview, Yasuda mentioned that the company is interested in looking into the platform in the future.
Yasuda said:
“We would like to deliver our games to as many peoples as possible, in the best route possible. Therefore, in the future we would like to look into the Nintendo Switch or Steam and any other hardware that has an install base.”
Kadokawa Games helped to develop the Wii-exclusive (and Japan-only) Earth Seeker a few years ago. They’re also responsible for Demon Gaze, and originally published Rodea: The Sky Soldier in Japan.
More: interview, Kadokawa Games
Project Sonic 2017 will have a new character, new feature
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch | 28 Comments
This week, SEGA held a special meet and greet event in Japan. A number of questions were answered at one point, and some small but interesting information about Project Sonic 2017 was shared. Twitter user BlueStorm_SONIC relayed the information.
First, it was mentioned that Project Sonic 2017 will feature a new character. Unfortunately, specifics weren’t shared beyond that. Another question touched on how connected the game is to Sonic Generations. While the two are separate, you’ll be able to play both classic stages in 2D and modern 3D stages, and another feature will be added on top of that.
Project Sonic 2017 is planned for a 2017 release on Switch and other platforms.
More: Project Sonic 2017, SEGA, top
Kimishima on third-party support for Switch, could increase production if demand is high, more
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News, Switch | 47 Comments
Following Nintendo’s latest financial results briefing earlier in the week, Nintendo shared the full Q&A that took place with investors. However, just like always, it’s only available in Japanese initially. The English translation will likely be posted sometime next week.
In the meantime, Cheesemeister and Takashi Mochizuki have been providing a few unofficial translations. Head past the break for Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima’s comments on third-party support for Switch as well as other tidbits.
More: Tatsumi Kimishima, top
Zelda: Breath of the Wild – “Hyrule: Then and Now” official translation
Posted on 8 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch, Wii U | 0 comments
A couple of days ago, Nintendo compared The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild to the original NES Legend of Zelda on their Japanese website, offering up a few comparisons in the way Hyrule looks in both games; we translated that article here. Today, Nintendo of Europe released essentially the same article in English. It doesn’t really offer any new insights – even the screenshots are still from the Japanese version. Still, if you wanna take a look at it, you can find the article here.