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Wii U

The Financial Post has posted a few more comments from Scott Moffitt, Nintendo of America’s vice president of sales and marketing. Moffitt mainly commented on how the Wii U has plenty of quality games, and how NX shows the company’s commitment to dedicated gaming hardware.

Here’s a quick roundup of what was shared:

On how Wii U still has a lot to offer…

“Our job and our goal is through our first-party games, to build the installed base up so that it makes it easy for third-party publisher to bring their third-party content to our systems.”

This week’s issue of Famitsu has now been published, and while it isn’t as Nintendo-packed as previous issues, there’s still plenty to check out. The latest Nintendo coverage is mainly dedicated to Aikatsu! My No. 1 Stage!, Dragon Quest VIII, and Fire Emblem Fates. Scans of each are in the gallery below, along with a random one for Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem.


We knew for some time that Super Mario Maker was planned for a September launch, but Nintendo finally shared a specific date during its Digital Event last week. It’s slated for September 11 – only two days before the 30th anniversary of the original Super Mario Bros.

Some may have felt that going with September 13 would have been the smarter move, but Nintendo ultimately ships titles on Fridays these days. That’s pretty much why Super Mario Maker’s September 11 date was ultimately chosen.

As Nintendo representative Julie Gagnon recently explained:

“Nintendo is really respectful of this date, but the thing is that when we launched Super Mario Bros back in 1985, it was September 13th. And, as we have worked with retailers on Friday as a launch day, the date worked out as Friday, September 11th for this year.”


This week’s GameStop ad has gone live. You can find it in full below.

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The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

New 3DS LL – 17,642
Wii U – 14,616
PS4 – 13,850
Vita – 11,748
New 3DS – 4,506
PS3 – 2,819
3DS – 1,126
3DS LL – 790
Vita TV – 540
Xbox One – 201

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

New 3DS LL – 19,620
Wii U – 16,413
PS4 – 10,822
Vita – 10,797
New 3DS – 4,329
PS3 – 2,633
3DS – 943
3DS LL – 880
Vita TV – 566
Xbox One – 100

And here are the software charts:

1. [3DS] Rhythm Heaven: The Best Plus – 66,416 / 224,008
2. [3DS] Return to PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale – 46,491 / NEW
3. [WIU] Splatoon – 43,653 / 310,582
4. [PS4] Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition – 35,872 / NEW
5. [3DS] Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden – 16,443 / 91,102
6. [PSV] Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition – 9,703 / 209,693
7. [WIU] Mario Kart 8 – 8,660 / 1,037,923
8. [PS4] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – 6,150 / 117,985
9. [PSV] The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC Evolution – 4,666 / 25,150
10. [3DS] Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire – 4,332 / 2,643,436
11. [3DS] Girls Mode 3 – 3,983 / 155,177
12. [3DS] Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition – 3,848 / 266,975
13. [PSV] Shiren the Wanderer 5 Plus – 3,553 / 25,848
14. [3DS] Super Smash Bros. for 3DS – 3,460 / 2,246,991
15. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf – 2,621 / 3,985,433
16. [3DS] Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX – 2,533 / 54,017
17. [WIU] Super Smash Bros. for Wii U – 2,522 / 646,705
18. [PS4] Alien: Isolation – 2,060 / 8,287
19. [PS3] World Soccer Winning Eleven 2015 (Konami the Best) – 1,882 / 3,980
20. [3DS] Yo-Kai Watch 2: Shinuchi – 1,826 / 2,616,984



Nintendo is changing up the way it handles restrictions on Miiverse. Going forward, restrictions will be applied to all accounts on the same system.

In a Miiverse post, Nintendo noted that, in the past, users would evade restrictions by creating a new Nintendo Network account or use a previously-created one. Doing so would allow them to bypass punishments. With the new “rule”, Nintendo will be able to prevent this in the future.

Here’s the full Miiverse post explaining things:



Now that Splatoon’s Lunar Blaster has been made available, players are starting to upload footage of the weapon. Check out some videos of it below.


Update: Bumped to the top. We have the official announcement from Nintendo with a breakdown of sales in each region. That’s posted after the break.

Splatoon has sold one million copies, Nintendo has announced. That figure accounts for units moved in all territories, including North America, Europe, and Japan.

Nintendo also prepared a new Japanese commercial for Splatoon today. You can watch that below.

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Splatoon has been updated with yet another new weapon. As of now, players can begin using the Luna Blaster.

Nintendo has said that the Luna Blaster has poor range. While that may be so, it features a high fire rate and explosive impact.


At E3 2015 last week, GameXplain sat down with Super Mario Maker Takashi Tezuka and Yosuke Oshino for a chat about Super Mario Maker. You can watch it in full below. I’ve also attached some notes that I thought were particularly interesting.

– Was decided to make it only a single-player game early on
– Online functionality was also decided early on
– Nintendo was worried about the servers being flooded with levels and being unable to find them, so a lot of work was put in to make sure players can find the great ones admist so-so levels
– Can’t download a level, edit it, and reupload; done to avoid copycat levels
– Can only upload 1 level at a time, not full-scale Mario adventures
– Hard cap on the number of objects you can have in a level, but you probably won’t ever notice it
– Nintendo will be able to distribute courses to players
– No DLC plans for things like enemies and objects
– Once again, no Koopalings
– Different amiibo suits only change the sound effects/different animations for clearing the course
– Nintendo has more stuff to reveal for Super Mario Maker
– Tezuka’s favorite Mario game is Super Mario Bros. 3
– Oshino’s favorite Mario game is Super Mario World

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