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Wii U

Kotaku recently caught up with Shigeru Miyamoto, who made a bit of an interesting request of sorts.

Miyamoto suggested that the site ask its readers which game fans want to see Nintendo make for Wii U. He then said, “if you get a good answer, you can give us a call.”

Here’s what Miyamoto told Kotaku:

Mario Kart 8 Mercedes-Benz DLC

Mario Kart 8’s Mercedes-Benz DLC is heading west, Nintendo has announced. Players will be able to get their hands on the free car sometime this summer.

Tweets published by Nintendo of America and Europe confirm:

Nintendo is finally starting to clarify how it’s handling the release of Bayonetta 2 and its predecessor.

In Europe, consumers will be able to choose between three options. This includes two separate retail releases.

According to Nintendo:

1) Bayonetta 2 solus
2) Bayonetta 1 + Bayonetta 2 (2 discs in one packaging)
3) The digital versions available in the Nintendo eShop in Europe will be sold separately
No additional announcements have been made at this time


At E3, GameRant caught up with Splatoon project lead Tsubasa Sakaguchi and producer/manager Hisashi Nogami.

First, Nogami reconfirmed that we’ll be seeing Splatoon sometime in the first half of 2015, and it will include both a single-player mode and a one-on-one multiplayer local mode.

“First of all, our plan is to release this as a full retail packaged software in 2015… the first half of 2015. And because we’re releasing this as a full software title, we of course plan to include a single-player mode but then also a one-on-one multiplayer mode that can be played without connecting to the Internet.”

As far as local multiplayer is concerned, we know the following:

“What we can tell you about the one-on-one, at least, is that one player will be using the GamePad, one player will be using the Pro Controller. And we’re actually thinking of having that one-on-one mode be something kinda completely different from the four-on-four one where it’ll be, you know, kind of a lot more stalking and hiding in the ink. It’ll be much more like a quiet mode in a sense.”

“And, you know, we’ve progressed [in development] at least to that point, but in terms of what we’re going to do with the screens – whether we’re going to have one person on the TV and one person on the GamePad – we’re not sure yet.”



Valhalla Game Studios is using Unreal Engine 3 to create Devil’s Third. That’s according to an official post on the Unreal Engine blog, which lists the Wii U title.

Devil’s Third was re-announced at this year’s E3 after several years of silence. A release date hasn’t been determined at this time.

Source, Via

Along with today’s screenshot, Sakurai passed along the following message on Miiverse:

Here’s Donkey Kong’s third standard special attack, Storm Punch!! Thanks to the customization options, each fighter is stocked with 12 different special moves. The number of attacks is pretty appalling.

We’ve made it so that customization options, including special attacks, will be disabled when you’re playing online in With Anyone mode. After all, we have to think about game balance, and it’s crucial for anonymous players to be able to use reliable tactics against one another. When you’re playing in single player, battling with friends online, or playing locally, you’re free to play however you want–with or without customization.

Shigeru Miyamoto has spoken to Kotaku about Amiibo’s origins.

Miyamoto wanted to have reading and saving data functionality available without an accessory since the GBA days. That, he says, was the main reason why NFC was built in for Wii U.

As far as Amiibo figures are concerned, Miyamoto stated that Nintendo felt characters would be “the most appealing form factor for a physical object that has this functionality”.

“If you think back it’s very similar to what we did with the eReader, the card readers that existed for the Game Boy Advance. I had been wanting to have not as an optional accessory but as a built in piece of functionality the ability to have this interaction of reading and saving data with a physical object for quite some time. And that was why we made the decision to include it with Wii U to begin with. And since the launch of Wii U we’ve been thinking of what’s the most appealing form factor for a physical object that has this functionality that people would see it and just want to own it and ultimately we decided that it was the characters themselves.”

On another interesting note, Nintendo had long wanted “to have a series of these toys that worked not just with this one game but with multiple games.”


Interviews continue to pour out of E3, with the latest one coming from Kotaku. The publication spoke with Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime about Wii U sales, third-parties, and Nintendo’s commitment to the console.

Check out Reggie’s comments below and Kotaku’s full piece here.

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