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Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos was one of the latest releases on the European Wii U Virtual Console. Take a look at some footage from the download below.

It’ll be a little while longer before the 3D platformer Poi is ready to debut on Wii U, but it recently came out on Steam Early Access. About an hour’s worth of footage from the title can be seen below.

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Unseen64 has once again shed new light on THQ’s cancelled first-person Avengers title, which was slated for Wii U at one point. The video below has additional details about the project as well as a bit of prototype footage sprinkled throughout.

More extensive gameplay from More Minecraft: Story Mode – Episode 3 is now available. Check out the latest video below.

AckkStudios has shared yet another clip from YIIK. Once again, the video shows more dialog and voice acting in the game. Check it out below.

Monster Hunter X – which has now arrived in Japan by the way, has received a few more commercials. We’ve rounded up the latest ones below.

Splatoon will be updated with the Sloshing Machine in just a couple of hours. Get an early look at the weapon in the video below.


This week’s episode of Nintendo Minute has gone live. In today’s video, Kit and Krysta reflect on 2015 by kicking off its third annual Game of the Year series. The best boxart, coolest amiibo, and best multiplayer experience are discussed. Take a look at the full video below.

The Play Nintendo YouTube account has a short promo up for amiibo. Check it out below.


Nintendo has gone live with the fourth of five “Survival Guide” episodes for Xenoblade Chronicles X. You can watch the new video below.

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