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Bravely Default is just a few weeks away from launching in Europe. How many blocks will you need to reserve on an SD card in order to download the game from the eShop? The game will require about 26,500 blocks of free space, which translates to over 3GB.


Pokemon X and Pokemon Y have collectively become the fastest-selling Nintendo game in Australia. The two titles sold over 100,000 units in its first weekend, surpassing Black/White’s 80,000 first week sales. Impressively, that number was achieved in a single day.




Along with today’s screenshot, Sakurai passed along the following message on Miiverse:

A new stage, Mario Galaxy!! The pull of gravity emanates from the center of the planet, so this will require using brand-new tactics.

The 3DS version of Miiverse will seemingly be missing two prominent elements included in its Wii U counterpart. An email response provided by one Nintendo of America customer service representative says users will be unable to exchange messages with friends, and there will be no feature in place which allows friend requests to be sent. It’s a bit of a shame to hear the news, though perhaps these two elements could be added in the future.


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The Pokemon Company has finally released official artwork for the various Mega Evolutions in Pokemon X/Y. You can find the gallery below.


Believe it or not, Kirby Triple Deluxe is just a couple of months away from launching – in Japan, that is. A newly opened teaser site for the game confirms a January 11 release date for the territory. Pricing is set at 4,800 yen.

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