Toge Productions has dated Ultra Space Battle Brawl for Switch. The couch party game “where Street Fighter meets Pong on steroids” is slated for July 5.
We have the following overview and trailer:
Starting tomorrow, Figment will be available on the Switch eShop. Take a look at some footage in the gameplay video below.
Mi’pu’mi Games will soon have The Lion’s Song ready to go on Switch. The studio has confirmed a release date of July 10. Pricing is set at $9.99 / £9.99 / €9.99.
The Lion’s Song, a narrative adventure game, takes place in the early 20th century and “focuses on a cast of Austrian artists and scientists with each episode taking a closer look at their intimate struggles with creativity and inspiration.”
The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:
Switch – 48,944
PS4 – 15,036
PS4 Pro – 5,259
New 2DS LL – 3,796
New 3DS LL – 2,627
Vita – 2,163
Xbox One X – 509
2DS – 389
Xbox One – 38
For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:
Switch – 48,062
PS4 – 19,090
PS4 Pro – 6,048
New 2DS LL – 3,862
Vita – 3,099
New 3DS LL – 2,715
Xbox One X – 733
2DS – 475
Xbox One – 53
And here are the software charts:
Nintendo is running a special contest involving Labo. One of the prizes is rather neat, as winners will be given a specially designed, collectible cardboard-inspired Switch system. We have a few photos showing off the design below.
Runbow is nearly here on Switch. Headup Games has started the pre-load option on the Switch eShop, where it costs $14.99.
Here’s a new “Party” trailer:
Runbow launches July 3 for Switch.
Source: Headup Games PR
During the latest Flyhigh Express broadcast, it was announced that SubaraCity is coming to Switch. The title previously released on 3DS.
Here’s an overview of SubaraCity:
Merge Games previously announced that The Coma: Recut would be getting a physical version. Today, the company confirmed a release date of August 7.
A Signature Edition will be offered here as well. The outerbox will contain a region-free, boxed version of the game along with an art booklet and soundtrack.
Source: Merge Games PR
The Smash Bros. Blog has updated with its latest entry for Smash Bros. Ultimate. This time around, the Sukapon Assist Trophy gets the focus.
Here’s an introduction: