Now that Shantae is out now in Runbow as a DLC/update addition, we have some footage of the new character. Check out a few minutes of gameplay below.
FAST Racing Neo recently added in some new DLC. If you’re in Europe, you can download a patch that address a small issue with the unlock. The problem involved the DLC not being permanently unlocked after purchase, requiring players to revisit the eShop.
FAST Racing Neo’s latest update isn’t live in North America and Japan just yet. However, that should be changing very soon.
FAST Racing Neo patch is online (EU Version)
(US+JAPAN version should arrive soon too)
– DLC unlock after restart has been fixed.— Shin'en Multimedia (@ShinenGames) October 24, 2016
Runbow’s latest update is now live. Players can download version 1.3 to play as Shantae as of today. On top of that, 13AM Games implemented a number of new fixes.
In other Runbow news, the Deluxe retail version is now moved to November 1. It’s thankfully a rather small delay.
Head past the break for the full Runbow version 1.3 patch notes.
In Japan, a Nintendo-licensed children’s bike based on Mario Kart is now available. The Mario Kart-H can be had for about 23,000 yen, or roughly $220.
Here’s a closer look:
More footage is in showing Scizor in the arcade version of Pokken Tournament, who is the latest character joining Bandai Namco’s fighting. Watch some new gameplay below.
Over the years, fans have detected coins that just can’t be collected in Super Mario 64. Now one person seems to have found another – 20 years following the game’s original launch.
Coins in Super Mario 64 spawn in sets of five. They also come in several pre-set patterns. Yet as you can see above, one area in the Tiny-Huge Island level features a line of four coins. YouTube user UncommentatedPannen has a theory about it all.
As he explains:
“I show that there’s yet another impossible coin in the game, located in the huge version of Tiny-Huge Island. Specifically, there’s a coin spawner there that’s intended to spawn 5 coins in a horizontal line on the ground. However, this coin spawner’s located under the ground, causing the most uphill coin to not load properly. In particular, this coin spawns about 49 units below the ground, triggering a failsafe that causes the coin to immediately unload. Currently, there’s no known way to collect this coin.”
A closer look at UncommentatedPannen’s findings can be found below.
Alongside Switch’s preview trailer last week, a number of games were shown on both the television and the device itself. However, it’s important to note that this footage wasn’t running in real time. Nintendo simply added in the gameplay post-production.
Twitch streamer Dickhiskhan, who was one of the actors in the trailer, said he as well as others merely held dummy units. We also have the shot above clearing indicating that footage was added on to the Switch unit.
Nintendo had this to say about how it handled the Switch trailer:
Nintendo just posted a new “Medal Challenges” trailer for Super Mario Maker on 3DS. The game will feature over 100 new courses, and medals can be earned by completing certain objectives. View the new video below.
The Pokémon GO channel posted a video regarding a special promotion happening within the game from October 26 to November 1. In this special Halloween-themed event, certain Pokémon will appear more frequently, including the likes of Gengar and Hypno, and players will receive increased candy rewards. Check out the video and official statement below.
It’s Halloween season and we have a treat for you! From October 26th to November 1st, you’ll earn double the amount of Candy every time you catch, hatch and transfer Pokémon! Don’t forget your Buddy Pokémon, because they will help you earn Candy four times as fast. If you encounter more spooky Pokémon than normal, don’t be startled, they want to enjoy the fun too! Scare up some friends, grab your buddy and enjoy this spooky, fun celebration with us! Happy Halloween!