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Version 1.2 for Cube Life: Island Survival is now available. The patch came out within the past few days in North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan.

Several new features are added with the update. Here’s the full rundown:

– Share custom maps
– 400+ items, new items like ladders, motorboats, diving masks, traps, etc.
– Completely redesigned AI of the Cannibals
– Stealth attacks! Approach an enemy from behind and gain the upper hand
– Bigger world to explore at 3,520 x 3,520 blocks (was 2,880 x 2,880)
– New pets: Added Chickens, Boars, Baby Boards, and Giant Crabs
– Assign commands to pets now (defensive, offensive, or collect items)
– New animals: Rabbits, Puffer Fish, Parrots, Lizards, Gorillas, Crabs…
– Fight new enemy bosses: The Kraken and Cannibal Boss
– other unspecified features

View some footage of the update below.


Pokemon GO can only be downloaded in three countries at the moment: the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. The Pokemon Company did say earlier this week that the app is planned for Canada, Europe, and South America “soon”. Aside from that, there haven’t been many updates.

Speaking with Business Insider, Niantic CEO John Hanke said Pokemon GO’s rollout in other regions is “paused until we’re comfortable”. Hanke’s comment was in response to server issues plaguing Pokemon GO since release due to player overload. He added that the company is working on a fix.

Hanke also addressed the success of Pokemon GO thus far. “We thought the game would be popular, but it obviously struck a nerve,” he said.

Hanke went on to say that Niantic has already made strides in fixing connecting issues through “a great run” of server availability yesterday evening.


It’s no surprise that Pokemon GO has been experiencing issues connecting since the app launched earlier this week. The extreme amount of traffic has led to downtime and player frustration.

Thankfully, the Pokemon GO team is aware of the problems, and is actively working on the situation. An official message from the game’s Twitter account states:


This week’s episode of Nintendo Minute has gone live. In today’s video, Kit and Krysta take on The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX. Watch it below.

Update: Shayla told Kotaku that she did not capture the Pokemon she was looking for since she stopped playing to call the police.

“[The police] didn’t really know what [Pokemon Go] was. They’re were just like ‘okay.’ I was like, extremely scared, I didn’t know what to do…I was shaking and crying.”

All sorts of stories have been popping up since the launch of Pokemon GO. A few have been heartwarming, others have been unexpected, and some have been downright strange. We aren’t going to be posting too many of them since they’re a bit off-beat for the site, but there is just one we’ll share here due to how odd (and yet very sad at the same time) it is.

19-year-old Shayla Wiggins was playing Pokemon GO earlier today… and happened to come across a dead body floating in the river. She was hoping to capture a creature from a natural water resource. That’s when she took a glance at the shore and saw something in the water. After realizing what was happening, Shayla called the police, who arrived quickly.

Detectives believe the body had been there for less than 24 hours. Additionally, police are saying that “the death appears to be accidental in nature and possibly that of a drowning.”

For something a little more upbeat, Polygon has a story on how Pokemon GO is bringing together. GameSpot also published something about a new father catching a Pidgey as his wife gave birth.


When you begin Pokemon GO for the first time, you can catch one of three Pokemon. In a nod to the original games, Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Squirtle are all available. But there’s one extra Pokemon you can obtain to start out with: Pikachu.

The process is rather simple. You just need to walk far away enough from the three Pokemon presented. They’ll respawn a few times, but Pikachu will take their place after you do it four times. This isn’t something you can do in your house since you’ll need to walk a notable distance.

Game Informer shows how it’s done in the video below:

Super Robo Mouse came to Wii U earlier this year as an eShop download. Next year, it may end up on another console as well.

RCMADIAX indicated on Miiverse while conversing with one fan that Super Robo Mouse could land on NX. The indie studio’s Michael Aschenbrener also mentioned that this new version may “sell better with the enhancements we have planned.”

Source, Via

Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack publisher Yacht Club Games put up an official post with a little more information on the upcoming physical 3DS release.

First, let’s get a few key things out of the way. The boxart is attached above. To reiterate, you’ll be able to pick up the dual package on September 30 for $29.99.

And the trailer:

Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack is still technically just confirmed for North America even though it’s been rated in Australia. Regarding Europe, Yacht Club said to “stay tuned”, and added: “We’re highly encouraging Inti Creates to make a retail release a reality in Europe as well. So be sure to tell them you think the same!”

Lastly, Yacht Club wrote the following about publishing:

A real bolt from the blue, right!? When we said we were a publisher last year, we bet you didn’t expect that we’d be publishing other companies’ games! Neither did we! Honestly, we never thought we’d be jumping further into the realm of publishing. However, Inti Creates saw Shovel Knight’s physical release and reached out to us to see if we’d be interesting in doing the same for Gunvolt. We couldn’t say no…we love the games they make! Heck, Mega Man 9 was one of our biggest inspirations for Shovel Knight! We were so impressed by the latest Gunvolt 2 as well! The new high-flying playable character Copen is a real blast to play.

So yes, the Yacht Club Games crew has joined the world of physical publishing. Once again, we’re getting a big helping hand from our distributor U&I Entertainment who will be shipping the game out to stores for us. We couldn’t be more honored to join forces with Inti Creates and bring their signature style of action games to players everywhere. As always, we take on surprises like this because of our passion and excitement to see it happen…it’s all about bringing everyone more rad games! We hope everyone who loved Shovel Knight and is interested in a big leap from 8-bit will give Gunvolt a try. We think you’ll all love all the awesome 2D platforming excitement.

This is a new adventure for us, and we couldn’t be more grateful to have all of you, the talented team at Inti Creates, and the amazing team at U&I at our backs to help us bring more 2D action games to store shelves!


Adventure Labyrinth Story is on track to hit the European 3DS eShop on July 21. That news stems from Circle Entertainment’s Twitter account, who tweeted the following yesterday:

Circle also shared these English screenshots today:

Since the July 21 release date isn’t officially signed off by Nintendo, I was a bit hesitant to post this. We’ll let you know if anything changes.


Amazon is now taking pre-orders for the Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack. Put in an order here.

The Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack was announced for North America last week at Anime Expo. It’ll include both entries in the series on a physical cartridge (Azure Striker Gunvolt 1 and 2). Shovel Knight maker Yacht Club Games will be publishing.

Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack is priced at $29.99. Those who have a Prime membership can save 20 percent.

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