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On Monday, NeoGAF user “Trevelyan9999” posted alleged details regarding NX and Nintendo’s lineup for 2016. I usually tend to be skeptical when it comes to rumors from sources that I’m unfamiliar with or aren’t widely known, so I held off on sharing that on the site. However, new information has since come to light indicating that Trevelyan9999 may have been spot on.

Let’s go over the actual information first. Here’s a look at everything that was posted:

– Zelda Wii U will also be available for NX
– Zelda NX to be a holiday 2016 release either same day as Zelda Wii U or shortly after during the Nintendo NX holiday 2016 launch window
– Nintendo NX launch games for 2016 besides Zelda NX and marketing focus remain hidden for now
– Wii U $34.5 million marketing budget for 2016 total – Zelda Wii U has $10 million with the possibility of the funding being switched to Zelda NX version depending on launch timing in 2016.
– 3DS $56.25 million marketing budget for 2016 total

3DS release list 2016 *Funded by Nintendo only*:

Spring-Early Summer

Mario and Sonic Rio 2016
Nintendo Selects Wave 1
Hyrule Warriors Legends
Disney Art Academy
Bravely Second
Code Name: “Caviar F” (all ages smaller budget game)
Metroid Prime: Federation Force


Although Fire Emblem Fates came out last week, Nintendo is still continuing its “Life on the Front Line” series of videos for the game. Check out “Where Armies Gather” below.

Update: Added Pokemon Red, Blue and Green footage after the break.

Pokemon Yellow – along with Red and Blue – are hitting the 3DS Virtual Console in celebration of the series’ 20th anniversary. Take a look at over an hour of footage from the download below.

Pre-orders are now live for another Pokemon game. Amazon and GameStop are both taking reservations for Pokemon Rumble. If you have Amazon Prime, it’ll be available for 20 percent off.

This month’s issue of V-Jump has another update on Dragon Ball: Project Fusion, Bandai Namco’s new game for 3DS.

The main character in the game, along with Pinijji, will travel throughout the game world consisting of a fusion of various times and places from the series. A focal point of the plot will revolve around how the world ended up like this. It will be possible to encounter any character from any point of the series as time and space have been jumbled.

Players will be able to recruit characters into their party. You can then fuse them, including ones that would normally be impossible thanks to the mysterious armband the characters wear. The main character will also be able to fuse with Pinijji. In the magazine’s coverage, there’s another little look at the Broli/Goku fusion, who could be potentially more powerful than Vegito. And in one of the screenshots, Trunks says you should “gather energy” by recruiting more allies.


New RIVE video

Posted 9 years ago by in Videos, Wii U eShop | 2 Comments

Two Tribes shared a new RIVE video today to promote the title’s appearance at GDC 2016 next month. Take a look at it below.

Nintendo has continued its new retrospective video series for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD. Check out the second episode below, which has a few staff members reflecting on the characters and story.

Byte 4 Games, a studio from Spain, is apparently planning “Mech Super eXtended” for NX along with other platforms. This news was spotted on the LinkedIn profile of the game’s director.

At least so far, we haven’t been able to track down any information about Mech Super eXtended, so we’re marking this post as a rumor just to be safe. Byte 4 Games has also been creating the multiplatform arcade shooter Demon’s Crystal, which is slated for Wii U.


The New 3DS Pokemon 20th Anniversary Edition will be officially launching tomorrow, but some fans are already getting their hands on the system. Continue on below for an unboxing video.

A handful of new screenshots have come in for River City Ransom SP. We’ve rounded them up in the attached gallery.

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