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Polygon has some extensive comments from Tyrone Rodriguez and Edmund McMillen about The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. There’s plenty of talk about why the game didn’t make it to Nintendo platforms until now, and what changed to make it happen. Additionally, we learn why Rebirth is planned for New 3DS only (rather than bringing it to the original 3DS as well).

We’ve rounded up the various comments below. You can find Polygon’s original article here.

Update 2: All three are now gone.

Update: Three pack and girl are sold out, but the boy is still available.

Pre-orders are now live for the Splatoon amiibo. Links to each can be found below.

Three pack here
Inkling girl here
Inkling boy here

It’s unlikely to happen, but Xbox boss Phil Spencer seems very much open to the idea of Banjo being included in the next round of Smash Bros. DLC.

Spencer told on fan on Twitter today:

Let’s just say that Nintendo was also open to featuring Banjo in the upcoming Smash Bros. DLC. Is that something you guys would like to see happen?


An internal GameStop memo going out to employees further indicates that the retailer will not be holding online pre-orders for the wave 4 amiibo. As is written in the notice, all allocations have sold out. You can find the memo in full above.


Update: That was quick! Toys “R” Us has already confirmed this in a statement.


An official Facebook comment published by Toys “R” Us suggests that in-store pre-orders for the Greninja amiibo will be held on April 27. Quantities are expected to be limited.

Toys “R” Us opened online pre-orders for the Greninja amiibo in the early hours this morning. In just a few minutes, they sold out.


Nintendo-x2 has uploaded a few screenshots from Garfield Kart. You can find them in the gallery above.


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