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Tomodachi Life videos

Posted 10 years ago by in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

Update: Added in the official announcement after the break.

Today, Nintendo has unveiled its plans for E3 2014.

The company’s events are highlighted by a “Digital Event” taking place on June 10 at 12 PM ET / 9 AM PT. This is where fans can expect new games and announcements.

Nintendo will additionally host the Smash Bros. Invitational (tournament in Los Angeles), Smash Bros. Smash-Fest at Best Buy (game playable nationwide during E3), and Nintendo Treehouse Live @ E3 – featuring constant daily live streams from E3.

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CVG has put up a new interview with Kirby Triple Deluxe director Shinya Kumazaki and Nintendo director Yurie Hattori. As you would expect, most of the discussion pertains to the upcoming 3DS game, but there’s also some interesting comments about HAL’s relationship with Nintendo.

For Shinya and Kumazki’s full comments, head past the break.

With the shutdown of the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection in May, games that previously carried the WFC logo appear to be getting a reprint. This will remove any indication of the once available functionality as well as a modified ESRB rating logo to reflect the lack of online.



Today’s screenshot gives us a look at tether recovery! Sakurai had the following to say alongside the picture:

Tether recovery? Yes, you can! And from even longer range than before. Multiple fighters can latch on–who actually grabs hold is determined by the same rules as the standard ledge grab.

Nintendo must sure like McDonalds. After teaming up with the fast food restaurant to bring Mario toys to Japan and the UK, Pokemon X/Y toys are now coming to the United States. This new Happy Meal licensing deal includes a card and one of 12 toys from a selection including Pikachu, Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Mewtwo, Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie, Helioptile, Pancham, Xerneas, and Yveltal.

Source, Via 1, Via 2

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