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SEGA prepared some new DLC for Sonic Forces last month. By downloading an add-on, you can transform into Super Sonic.

There was a catch though. Originally, SEGA intended to make Super Sonic free for just a limited time. It was actually around today when the DLC was intended to cost $2.

Fortunately, SEGA has changed its mind. The Super Sonic DLC will now be free forever. You won’t have to fork over any extra cash for it at any point in the future.


Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Nintendo has confirmed that the latest update and DLC are due out this week for Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Version 1.2.0 will be going live along with the New Quests Pack from the Expansion Pass.

The New Quests Pack will contain the following items:

In Japan, Gust has announced a ton of DLC for Atelier Lydie & Suelle: Alchemists of the Mysterious Painting. Players will be able to purchase content featuring music from other Atelier games, a collaboration with Nights of Azure 2, a boss battle against Sophie, and more.

Coinciding with the DLC news, a 1.01 update has been issued. This increases the level cap and more.

You can find a full recap of the new update and all upcoming DLC below.

Bandai Namco published the first official details and screenshots for upcoming Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 content. We have the lowdown on Extra Pack 2 – featuring new character Fu – plus what’s planned for the next free update.

Bandai Namco provides the following information:

The first Nights of Azure 2 DLC headed west last month in North America and Europe for free. Koei Tecmo has now started distributing the second side story, though this one is paid.

The latest DLC is “Time Drifts Through the Moonlit Night”. You can trigger it in the Hotel Lobby, after Chapter 2 is completed, and will take place between Chapters 2-7. Aluche’s “Requiem Pink” costume is also included, boosting all parameters.

Below is an overview and some screenshots for the latest DLC:

“Sudden tremors shake the city of Eurulm, and everyone who is gathered at the Hotel Eterna can feel them too. According to the Shikigami, the tremors were caused by the crashing of a flying ship. Aluche and her companions head to investigate, unaware of the tragedy that is awaiting them at the site…”

The Nights of Azure 2 “Time Drifts Through the Moonlit Night” DLC will set you back $8.99.

Source: Switch eShop

New Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 DLC is available featuring Tapion, Android 13, Dabura, and Buu (Gohan absorbed) as the latest playable characters. Have a look at some footage below.

When Xenoblade Chronicles 2 launches on Friday, it’ll come with a day-one update. The RPG will have a 1.1.0 patch.

The update involves the following:

– “Event Theater” function added to watch cut-scenes
– Ability to receive content from Expansion Pass added; “Expansion Pass” added to the main menu where you can receive items
– Game balance adjusted
– Various fixes to improve gameplay

SEGA issued free “Sanic” T-shirts for Sonic Forces just a short while ago. Get a closer look at the DLC in the video below.

Bandai Namco has passed along more news about the Extra Pack 1 and free update planned for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2.

First, Extra Pack 1 will feature the new fighters Tapion, Android 13, Dabura and Buu (Gohan absorbed) as playable characters. Zamasu as an instructor, four new costumes, five parallel quests, 13 new skills, and more will also be included.

This past week, XSEED finally added the New Neighbors Pack to Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns. The latest content can be purchased as DLC. Get a look at the New Neighbors Pack below.

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