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The final round of our Devolver Digital giveaways has come to an end. We’ve selected all of the winners for Minit.

Across the main site and Twitter, these were the results:

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Nintendo is once again rolling the dice on a new Mario Party. With the stars aligned, the car at a stop sign, and conventions back to the mainline; it’s about time we talked about what’s new, old, and missing from the latest installment in the Mario Party series. Join in the discussion and tell us, are you looking forward to Super Mario Party or is your hype train at a stop sign?

Ahead of its launch next month, Dragalia Lost is getting its own Nintendo Direct. The broadcast will be kicking off at 8:30 PM PT / 11:30 PM ET / 4:30 AM in the UK / 5:30 AM in Europe.

You can watch the presentation as it happens below. We’ll also have a live blog going after the break.

Nintendo is bringing back the Nindies Showcase today during its latest live stream today. New indie titles will be announced and shown, though Nintendo hasn’t elaborated on the details.

You can watch the presentation as it happens below. It’ll kick off at 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET / 5 PM in the UK / 6 PM in Europe. We’ll be adding posts to the site throughout the event, with more coverage after the Nindies Showcase ends.

With Valkyria Chronicles 4 out in September and the demo available right now, I thought this might be the perfect opportunity to discuss this unique tactical RPG. Sharing similarities to some of Nintendo’s biggest games, Valkyria Chronicles 4 may just be the game Nintendo fans have been asking for. Is it for everyone? Probably not, but this video might help you figure out if it’s for you. Please enjoy and to join the conversation, tell me about your favorite tactics game of old!


Today we’re kicking off the final giveaway as part of the #SummerOfDevolverDigital promotion – at least for now. Following up on Enter the Gungeon, Crossing Souls, and Not a Hero, we’re now putting the focus on Minit. Ten codes are up for grabs once again, and we’ll be splitting them up in two ways.

The first option is to enter on Twitter. Give us a follow and re-tweet this post in order to be eligible. We’ll be choosing five random winners from that batch.

Daemon X Machina

A few weeks ago, we translated a 4Gamer interview conducted with producer Kenichiro Tsukuda. The site actually ended up bringing back Tsukuda for a second interview, who was also joined by mech designer Shoji Kawamori. Topics include the game’s origins, designing the mechs, and more on the visual style including making the graphics stand out.

We’ve prepared a full translation of 4Gamer’s Daemon X Machina interview. Continue on below for the discussion.

Do my eyes deceive me or has the Switch become the new perma-home for perma-death games? For me, there is no doubt that since the Switch launched, I have developed an obsession with playing my go to rogue-like for a few minutes before bed. Those few minutes quickly turn into hours if I’m not careful, which is why these games really should come with a ‘bed time’ warning. During my insomnia I made the decision to write a list of some of my favorite rogue-like games to sneak their way onto the Switch. I’d love for you all to join the conversation and tell us about your favorite rogue-like games in the comments!

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Smash Bros. Ultimate director Masahiro Sakurai returns to Famitsu this week with his latest column. In it, he goes over information revealed during the Nintendo Direct earlier this month.

Sakurai wrote about the inclusion of Simon, Richter, Chrom, Dark Samus, and King K. Rool, going a bit into why they were added. He also covers modes plus the huge amount of stages and music.

Thank you all for entering and for your patience. It’s time to announce the winner but not without reading five honorable mentions first. All of you left such great lists and if it were up to me, you would all be winners. In the end, the best I have to offer is a warm and hearty “thank you!” to everyone that took the time to enter. Thank you! We’ll be in touch with the winner shortly.

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