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Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX download version is fairly large. It’s 17,834 blocks, which is roughly 2.23GB.

SEGA is bringing Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX to North America on September 8. The European release is scheduled for September 11.


SEGA sent out another update pertaining to Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX today.

First, we have a look at the launch edition – pictured above. Pre-orders and a limited number of launch copies will feature a collectible outer box, Hatsune Miku wallet chain, and 19 double-sided AR cards.

We also have news about how StreetPass and SpotPass are supported in Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX, along with screenshots. Here’s the latest:

Hatsune Miku is full of content beyond just the rhythm game, and among the ones we think people will spend an inordinate amount of time with are the StreetPass features! Our personal favorite is being able to create your own Miku tune using a variety of instruments, including vocaloids, traditional instruments, synthesizers and chiptunes! Use the sounds and the keyboard to create a four-bar tone that you can share with anyone you StreetPass.

The best part? As you change your individual tune, the friends you’ve StreetPassed with will get an update over SpotPass!

The same goes for your profile card, which you can design by selecting a variety of backgrounds and looks, change character poses, create a tagline, write your own message, and more as options are unlocked by completing the rhythm game! Show off your Mirai DX prowess!

Source: SEGA PR

SEGA brought a demo of Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX to the 3DS eShop this past week. You can find a few videos of the download below.

SEGA of Japan have posted a new trailer for 7th Dragon III: Code VFD, the newest entry in the RPG series for 3DS. The trailer details the character creation tools. Check it out below.

SEGA’s latest update on 7th Dragon III Code: VFD covers a number of the game’s classes. We now have details for the Rune Knight, Fortuner, Mage, and Punisher. View the information rounded up below.

Rune Knight:

– Magic swordsmen
– Rune Knights use small knives that goes with elemental and different effect-based attacks
– They can heal themselves and have skills that can heal the entire party or protect allies from enemy attacks
– “Knight’s Pride”: does a physical non-elemental attack to an enemy, and the damage is determined by how much damage they took prior to getting knocked out
– This move automatically activates when a Rune Knight’s health goes to 0
– “Brave Sword”: massive close-ranged magic damage to all enemies
– Brave Sword causes the user’s health go to half
– The more health that gets depleted from this skill, the more damage it will do


– Fortunetellers of the battlefield
– Specialize in putting enemies in abnormal states
– Their skills can do even more damage against enemies that are under a status ailment
– Fortuner’s have slightly lower health/defense
– “Poem of Wind and Tree”: regenerate each turn for all party members by using mana
– “Sacrifice”: consumes a massive amount of MP in order to launch a powerful magic attack that hits all enemies
– This attack is so powerful, the user will withdraw from the after after landing the hit


– Magic specialists
– They can use magic attacks of various attributes
– Mages can even support the party with healing magic
– Weakness is their low defense stat
– “Volcano”: long-ranged fire magic damage to all enemies, and gives them a “burn” affect
– “Mana Bullet”: long-ranged magic attack that deals big damage to all enemies


– Use a hybrid weapon called “Armored Spear”
– This is a mix between a giant spear and mortar
– Punishers have the best physical damage of all classes and the most amount of health
– “Explosives” are needed for their powerful attacks
– You’ll need to supplement it if you use too much
– “Assault Spear: selects a group of enemies and launches a powerful close-ranged attack
– This requires mana and Explosives to use
– “Dragon Buster”: long-ranged fire attribute damage to all enemies from a mortar shot
– This does extra damage against dragons, and it also consumes mana and Explosives

You can find screenshots and art of today’s new content here.


SEGA brought out another round of screenshots and art from 7th Dragon III Code: VFD today. View them in the gallery below.

Update: The PR Nintendo sent out yesterday indicated that the demo would be coming to Europe on Thursday, but it’s out there now as well!

A demo for Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX is now available on the North American 3DS eShop. For those who plan on downloading it, keep in mind that it takes up 870 blocks of space, which is 108.8MB. The demo should be coming to Europe on Thursday. has found evidence that Sonic Classic Collection for DS was originally planned to include more games and content, as well as concept art for a Crazy Taxi 4 Pitch.

The info comes via former SEGA Studios Australia employee Brooke Luder’s portfolio, specifically an image that includes logos for Sonic SpinballSonic 3D Blast, and Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine, all of which were never included in the retail game. Luder’s resume also indicates that video content was planned at one point. Check out the gallery below for more images.


Perhaps even more intriguing is concept art for a Crazy Taxi 4 pitch. No information is given on the proposed game, but the single image shows a cab driver jumping from one cab to another.


Source, Via

Update (8/14): Bumped to the top. SEGA has now officially confirmed the news on Twitter.

Original (8/12): Thanks to a listing on the European eShop, it’s now confirmed that 3D Gunstar Heroes is heading to the 3DS on August 20. And given previous releases of SEGA’s 3D Classics, the game should be out in North America next week as well. Pricing is set at $4.99 / €4.99.


SEGA prepared a new trailer for 7th Dragon III Code: VFD today showing the game’s world. View it below.

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