Arrow Time U update out now, XenoHorizon planning another Wii U game
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
Arrow Time U has received an update. If it doesn’t appear when booting up, you may need to delete the game entirely and re-download from the eShop.
“Despite poor sales”, developer XenoHorizon pushed forward with the update, as the studio didn’t want to go back on its word.
XenoHorizon is taking what it learned with Arrow Time U and applying it to future projects. Speaking of which, it sounds like the indie developer has another title lined up for Wii U.
The ATU update is finally out. You may have to delete it and re-download it from the #eShop to update.
— XenoHorizon (@XenoHorizon) January 9, 2015
Despite poor sales we said we'd put out the update and we did since we don't like going back on our word. But it's time to move on now.
— XenoHorizon (@XenoHorizon) January 9, 2015
ATU's not one of the better games on the #eShop but we think it's a better investment now to use what we learned on our future games.
— XenoHorizon (@XenoHorizon) January 9, 2015
Thank you for your understanding and you'll hear from us again when we announce our next #WiiU exclusive in a few months, if not sooner!
— XenoHorizon (@XenoHorizon) January 9, 2015
More: Arrow Time U, indie, title update, XenoHorizon
Wii U’s YouTube app receives another update
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
The official YouTube application for Wii U has been updated once again. At the moment, we’re not entirely sure what’s changed. The modifications are likely minimal, but if we hear about what’s new, we’ll be sure to keep you informed.
More: title update, YouTube
Cube Creator 3D likely to receive Circle Pad Pro support in the future
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 2 Comments
Cube Creator 3D may not feature use of the Circle Pad Pro at launch. However, developer Big John Games has indicated that support will arrive through a future update.
The studio wrote on Twitter earlier this month:
For those asking re: Circle Pad Pro – the initial release may not include it, but we'll work towards that in future updates. #CubeCreator3D
— Big John Games (@BigJohnGames) December 19, 2014
More: Big John Games, Cube Creator 3D, indie, title update
X-Type Plus updated with off-TV play
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 1 Comment
PhobosLab released a patch for X-Type Plus today. The update is simple, though it adds a highly-requested feature.
After applying the patch, players will be able to experience X-Type Plus through off-TV play. Tapping the thumbnail will switch X-Type Plus over to the GamePad.
More: indie, PhobosLab, title update, X-Type Plus
Upcoming Battleminer update will fix bugs, add new features
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 1 Comment
Wobbly Tooth is working on an update for Battleminer, the developer announced via Miiverse.
There are two primary goals with the patch. First, several bugs will be addressed – addressing saving and Creative Mode issues in particular. New features are also on the way like an increase in the world ceiling and something else that Wobbly Tooth is keeping secret.
Here’s the full Miiverse post:
More: Battleminer, indie, title update, Wobbly Tooth
Stealth Inc 2 patch fixes hats issue
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
Curve Studios released a patch for Stealth Inc 2. It’s on the minor side of things, as the update simply addresses an issue with hats.
Curve Studios shared Stealth Inc 2’s patch news on Twitter earlier today:
We've just released a patch for Stealth 2 which fixes an issue with the hats. Go forth and don or un-don whatever headwear you wish!
— Curve Digital (@curvestudios) December 19, 2014
More: Curve Studios, Stealth Inc 2, title update
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams GamePad sound patch releasing in North America next month
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 1 Comment
North American gamers have been waiting quite some time for Black Forest Games to release the GamePad sound patch for Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams. Thankfully, it appears that the update will be available in January.
Black Forest Games told Nintendo Life:
This is an issue of the US version where Nintendo US didn’t accepted the patch we did while Nintendo Europe did. We just got the info that Nintendo US is already testing our new patch, so January is a safe bet for this being fixed.
Once Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams’ patch is released, players will be able to hear sound from the GamePad’s speaker.
Steel Diver: Sub Wars director on the version 4.1 update
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
Steel Divers: Sub Wars was updated to version 4.1 last night. The patch brought about a single modification, which changed the submarine’s diving and surfacing angles back to how they were in version 3.0.
Steel Divers: Sub Wars director Takaya Imamura explained why the team decided to revert things back to how they were previously in a Miiverse post. Here’s what he shared:
Steel Diver: Sub Wars version 4.1 update out now
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 8 Comments
Nintendo prepared a new update for Steel Diver: Sub Wars today, bringing the game to version 4.1. It should take up 326 blocks or so.
With the 4.0 patch, the following change was made:
– Submarine diving and surfacing angles The angle of a sub when it dives or surfaces will not be as steep, which makes it easier to evade frontal attacks.
Today’s update changes things again it has returned to 3.0 settings for the angle of a sub when it surfaces. This appears to be the only modification from the newest patch.
Sakurai: Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS will continue to be improved online, but no further balane patches
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 2 Comments
The online experience in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS will continue to be improved. However, director Masahiro Sakurai has indicated that there will not be any additional balance patches.
Sakurai told Famitsu in this week’s issue:
—In the future, do you plan on adjusting or balancing the game further through a patch?
Sakurai: We don’t have any such plans, but at the very least we will be working on a few things connected to the online play experience, bit by bit.
If we were to do something like tweak characters’ customized special moves, then there’d be no end to it. But with that said, if there are any glaring issues, we may address them.
—That’s because with customized special moves or items, you can only play with them enabled online with players who are in your friends list, isn’t that right?
Sakurai: When playing with your personal friends, I think it’s probably more interesting that you can almost cheat a little through customizing your character. *Laughs*