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Devil's Third

A new round of Devil’s Third quotes from producer Yoshifuru Okamoto have come in from a Game Informer preview. Okamoto commented on Nintendo’s involvement with the game, how the GamePad is used, and customization (Mario options probably aren’t likely!).

Head past the break for some interview excerpts. You can find the full discussion on Game Informer.

“I really think there needs to be a Nintendo genre,” legendary video game designer Shigeru Miyamoto has said.

Speaking with the LA Times, Miyamoto stated:

“Nintendo isn’t one simple element of an overall gaming industry. I really think there needs to be a Nintendo genre, that’s almost its own entity.

Miyamoto later spoke of designing games as making performance art. As opposed to making “games seem really cool”, the folks at Nintendo enjoy laughing at themselves and he believes the company is almost like a group of “performers.”

It’s not that I don’t like serious stories or that I couldn’t make one, but currently in the video game industry you see a lot of game designers who are working really hard to make their games seem really cool. For a lot of us at Nintendo, it’s difficult to decide what cool is. In fact, it’s a lot easier for us to laugh at ourselves. It’s almost as if we’re performers. Our way of performing is by creating these fun, odd and goofy things.”


At the company’s Annual Shareholders Meeting, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata was once again re-elected to the board of directors. That means he’ll retain his position within the company.

It’s unclear what sort of approval rating Iwata earned. In 2011, Iwata’s rating came in at 92.9 percent, but dropped to 77.3 percent last year.


In addition to today’s daily screenshot, Sakurai also announced that Japan will be getting their first hands-on with the latest generation of Smash games at this year’s Generation World Hobby Fair. It’s unknown whether this will be the same build as E3 or whether or not they will have something new in-store.


Mii fighters make a return today, Sakurai explains how they stack up next to Mario:

Some of the physical characteristics of Miis get carried over when you use them as Mii Fighters. The smaller ones become speed fighters and the bigger ones are more akin to power fighters.

Update: Full transcript below!

Also available on 3DS! Austin takes on the newly released first-ever game from Yacht Club Games. Is it any good? Oh no, you’ll just have to watch the review to see. (Want to skip the analysis? Go to 10:51 for the recommendation on who should buy it and who shouldn’t)

Inti Creates has revealed that Azure Striker Gunvolt will be hitting Japan in mid-August – hopefully a western release will follow soon after. Along with the announcement, the company released a game systems introduction video that you can find above.

Update: Event is now finished.

Nintendo is currently holding its 74th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. President Satoru Iwata isn’t in attendance as he’s still recovering from surgery, but there are still plenty of tidbits being shared.

We’ll update this post below with information that comes out from the event:

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