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Super Mario Odyssey has a few Power Moons dedicated to Hint Art. Pictures found in the various kingdoms give you vague hints as to where these Power Moons are located.

In Super Mario Odyssey’s latest update, version 1.2.0, it’s now much easier to keep track of which Hint Art have been solved. Green ticks will appear on the pictures for Power Moons that have been obtained. This wasn’t mentioned in Nintendo’s patch notes, but is worth mentioning since it’s a very helpful addition.


This week’s European Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

Payday 2 – €49.99 (available February 23)

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

Payday 2 – $49.99 (available February 27)

Aksys Games has announced Little Dragons Cafe, a new game from Harvest Moon / Bokujō Monogatari creator Yasuhiro Wada. Wada was also behind the upcoming Switch title Happy Birthdays.

Here’s the general premise of Little Dragons Café:

The story opens with a twin brother and sister learning to cook and manage a small café under their mother’s tutelage. All was peaceful and routine until one morning when the twins discover that their mother has fallen into a deep sleep and won’t wake up. Suddenly, a strange old man appears to inform them that they must raise a dragon in order to save her. Working together with three quirky café employees, the two siblings must figure out how to a wrangle a dragon and manage the family business while finding a way to save their mother.

Earlier today we wrote a post that the Luigi’s Balloon World update for Super Mario Odyssey would be out later this week. Well wait no longer because it is out now to download!

Below we have also included the patch notes that Nintendo put out on the new Super Mario Odyssey update.

Another round of data is in from this month’s NPD report. Along with the best-sellers on Switch and 3DS specifically for the month of January, we also have a list of the games that have sold the best over the past twelve months. Continue on below for the full results.

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NPD Group has released a listing of the top twenty best-selling games in the U.S. for the month of January 2018. The results can be found below.

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Nintendo Switch

Switch sold the most units in the United States out of all hardware platforms last month, according to The NPD Group. PlayStation 4 was the top system in terms of dollar sales, but only 3% separated Switch, PS4, and Xbox One.

Overall, the gaming industry experienced a very strong month in January. Hardware dollar sales of $278 million “is the highest level achieved since the $323 million sold in January 2011,” NPD analyst Mat confirms. “Over one million units of hardware sold in January 2018, also the highest tally since January 2011.”


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In December, Nintendo said that 3DS had its best month in the US since December 2014. Those strong results continued into January. NPD says that in terms of hardware dollar sales, last month was the 3DS’ best January since 2014.

Interestingly, no 3DS games made it into NPD’s top 20 software list for the month. However, Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon were the first and second best-selling titles in January. Despite releasing in 2011, Mario Kart 7 placed #3 in the 3DS chart.


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Luigi’s Balloon World was announced for Super Mario Odyssey in January. When it was revealed, Nintendo mentioned that the feature would be added through a free update this month. February is almost over, but it looks like Nintendo will be holding true to its promise.

Nintendo Australia has a new post on its website dated for February 23, indicating that the update is now live. Obviously that isn’t the case as that day has yet to actually pass. Still, this should mean the update will be out before the end of the week.

Aside from Luigi’s Balloon World, the patch will include Sunshine, Musician, and Knight Armor outfits that will be available soon after players complete the main story. Coin and Neon are also the only new Snapshot Mode filters. You can see this below.


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