Super Smash Bros. for Wii U screenshot (2/11/14)
Posted on 11 years ago by Patrick(@Patricklous) in News, Screenshots, Wii U | 1 Comment
Along with today’s screenshot, director Masahiro Sakurai posted the following message to Miiverse:
Pic of the day. You missed me, because you attacked my illusory copy from my Double Team move!
More: Lucario, sakurai, Super Smash Bros., wii u
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS screenshot (2/10/14)
Posted on 11 years ago by Patrick(@Patricklous) in 3DS, News, Platforms, Screenshots | 0 comments

Along with today’s screenshot of the 3DS version’s Nintendogs stage, director Masahiro Sakurai posted the following message on Miiverse:
Pic of the day. A bored-looking dog staring at the TV… Occasionally, the Super Smash Bros. series really makes me confused about what I’m creating.
Okay then!
More: 3DS, Nintendogs, sakurai, Super Smash Bros.
[Famicompendium] JESUS: Kyōfu no Bio Monster
Posted on 11 years ago by Patrick(@Patricklous) in Famicompendium, Features, General Nintendo, News | 2 Comments
Have you ever bought a game based on nothing but the title? I sure have and that’s why I’m now writing about Jesus: Ky?fu no Bio Monster (or to use the fan-translated name – Jesus: Tale of the Dreadful Bio-Monster). Don’t go into Jesus expecting some kind of insane Japanese take on Christianity, though, as it’s more about researchers fighting space monsters and anime girls rocking out on synthesizers – or sometimes both at the same time. It’s hardly the most exciting game to play, but it still manages to be crazy in its own way.
More: bio-monster, famicompendium, highlight, jesus, top
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U screenshot (02/05/14) – Palkia Poké Ball
Posted on 11 years ago by Patrick(@Patricklous) in News, Screenshots, Wii U | 1 Comment
Along with this screenshot, Sakurai passed on the following message via Miiverse:
Pic of the day. Palkia appeared in the Spear Pillar stage of the previous game…but now it’s coming out of a Poké Ball?! Here’s Palkia’s signature move, Spacial Rend!
More: Masahiro Sakurai, Pokemon, Super Smash Bros., wii u
Pokémon Bank now available on European 3DS eShop
Posted on 11 years ago by Patrick(@Patricklous) in 3DS, 3DS eShop, News, Platforms | 1 Comment
After a month-long delay, Nintendo’s Pokémon Bank app is finally available on the European and Australian 3DS eShop. For the low price of absolutely nothing (plus a subscription fee), those in PAL regions can now transfer their beloved Rattatas from the fifth generation Pokémon titles to Pokémon X/Y.
Will the popularity of the application cause the eShop to crash yet again? Will Pokémon Bank also make it to the American eShop this week? Will my internet connection ever be stable enough to actually download the bloody thing? Stay tuned to Nintendo Everything for more details.
More: Pokemon, Pokemon Bank, Pokemon X, Pokemon Y
The Music of 2013 – Here’s Another Podcast!
Posted on 11 years ago by Patrick(@Patricklous) in Features, Podcast, Reader Poll | 2 Comments
The results are in! Sorry for the wait; I’ve been busy with that whole “taking a holiday” thing, but I’m finally back with the Internet’s latest 2013 retrospective. On this two-hour long podcast I’m counting down the top ten game soundtracks of 2013 (on Nintendo platforms) as voted by Nintendo Everything readers. The colossal playlist of quality tracks is broken up by me reading out your comments and various synonyms for the word “song”. I was testing out a new microphone, so my apologies if you can’t understand a word I’m saying.
You can find the podcast right here!
edit: Seems Google Drive wasn’t too happy about the massive influx of traffic so I’ve also uploaded the podcast here.
If you want to know what soundtrack took the coveted #1 spot you should probably just listen to the podcast, but I’ve included the results over the break anyway.
The Music of 2013 – Have Your Say!
Posted on 11 years ago by Patrick(@Patricklous) in Features, Reader Poll, Reader Poll | 1 Comment
Hey everyone, it’s Patrick here. I might not be part of the usual podcast crew, but this year I’m trying to put together a podcast showcasing the very best of game music from throughout the year.
While there’s plenty of music from this year that I personally love, I want to know what everyone’s favourite soundtracks are so I’ve put a short poll together. OK, so it’s not really that short, but hopefully people won’t be wondering why their favourite game wasn’t included on the poll. I’ll leave it to you decide what constitutes a game from 2013 – I’ve included some games like Bravely Default on the list, even though it will technically be released three years in a row. Of course, it’s also limited to Nintendo consoles, partly because of the name of the site and partly because no-one wants to edit a 10-hour podcast.
Let your voice heard through this handy dandy voting form and I might just read your comments out on the podcast.
Update: Thanks to everyone who participated in the poll. I’m tabulating the results now so I won’t be counting any new votes. Merry Christmas!
More: game music, highlight, Reader poll, smooth jazz, voting
[Review] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies
Posted on 11 years ago by Patrick(@Patricklous) in 3DS, 3DS eShop, Features, Reviews | 1 Comment
System: Nintendo 3DS
Release Date: October 24, 2013
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Author: Patrick
I’ve always had a soft spot for the Ace Attorney games. Their combination of legal drama, an exaggerated anime style and frequently hilarious dialogue resulted in some of the most memorable adventure games on the original DS. After passing the protagonist baton for a few entries, the original Ace Attorney —Phoenix Wright— returns to the courtroom with a fresh look and a few new faces. Unfortunately, I have a few objections to this new entry in the series. Phoenix might have retained his aptitude at bluffing his way through trials, but there’s a sense that the game’s writers have lost some of their ability to string together a cohesive story with interesting, well-developed characters.
More: Ace Attorney, dual destinies, highlight, Phoenix Wright, review
Two unannounced Nintendo titles appear on Australian Classification site
Posted on 11 years ago by Patrick(@Patricklous) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Platforms, Rumors | 3 Comments
A pair of mysterious, still unannounced games developed and published by Nintendo have appeared in the form of classification decisions on the Australian government’s classification website. The first, Steeldiver Subwars, seems to be a sequel to the early, bargain-bin filling 3DS game. A multiplayer-focused, potentially free-to-play Steel Diver game was teased by Shigeru Miyamoto earlier this year and it appears that this is the game that Nintendo and Steel Diver developer Vitei were working on.
Unlike Steel Diver, we know next to nothing about the other Nintendo game classified – NES Remix. No developer aside from Nintendo was noted and it received a “G” rating for “violence with a very mild impact.” The fact it is already classified suggests that we might hear some news about what the heck it actually is fairly soon. I’d follow this up with Nintendo of Australia but I’m not sure how quickly they can reply to a letter.
More: nes remix, steel diver
[Review] Pokémon X & Y
Posted on 11 years ago by Patrick(@Patricklous) in 3DS, 3DS eShop, Features, Reviews | 3 Comments
System: Nintendo 3DS
Release Date: October 12th, 2013
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo/The Pokémon Company
Author: Patrick
By this point I shouldn’t have to explain what this long-running RPG series is about. The coming of age story of an adventurous kid and their menagerie of bizarre monsters has been constantly repeated over the last fifteen years with a very gradual evolution in the gameplay. While I enjoyed Pokémon Black, White and their sequels, the lack of meaningful mechanical changes that came with staying on one console for too long started to set in and I was hopeful that X & Y would breath new life into some of the staler aspects of the series. Now that the series finally makes the jump to the 3DS, does it manage to revitalise the franchise with new features while still capturing the same je ne sais quoi as the other titles? Well I think it does, at least.