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Flatout 4 has a decent shot of landing on Switch. While speaking with One Angry Gamer, Susan Cummings from publisher Strategy First said that “It’s certainly possible.”

“It’s certainly possible. It’s definitely something Strategy First have been watching with interest – the early success of the Switch. I wouldn’t say anything is out of the question.”

Flatout 4’s chances on Switch could come down to the system’s sales and interest from the community. On the former point at least, the platform seems to be performing well on the market so far.


It’s been a long wait for actual details on Sonic Forces, formally known as Project Sonic 2017. SEGA finally lifted the curtain at a SXSW panel today by sharing a bit of gameplay and details.

Sonic Team head Takashi Iizuka called Sonic Forces an “evolution of Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations”. New concepts will be included. Three unique gameplay styles are planned, one of which was shown in the footage – modern Sonic.

SEGA just debuted the first gameplay from Sonic Forces – previously known as Project Sonic 2017 – at its series panel at SXSW. It may not be the best quality, but here’s what we have for now:

Thanks to TSSZ News.

No Wii U or 3DS games made the list from NPD’s February 2017 sales chart. Still, we have good news to report on the Nintendo side overall.

3DS unit sales saw a 77 percent jump month-over-month in the United States. The Galaxy Style and Pikchu New 3DS XL designs were cited as catalysts.


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SEGA aired a trailer for Project Sonic 2017 at its panel for the series at SXSW today. It was the same video from last summer, but with something new at the end: an actual name.

Project Sonic 2017 is now known as Sonic Forces. The game will launch this holiday. SEGA said that the game will have heroes as well as forces of evil fighting it out for control.

There’s also a logo:

SEGA shared a new reveal for Sonic Mania at the series’ SXSW panel just a few moments ago. The company gave a first look at Flying Battery Zone with a few seconds of footage. Originally, the area appeared in Sonic & Knuckles.

Here’s a video of it in action:

The original goal with Sonic Mania was to have the game out in Spring 2017. Unfortunately, the game is now seeing a bit of a delay.

Just announced at Sonic’s SXSW panel, Sonic Mania will now launch this summer. The extra time will be used to ensure that it’s of the highest quality.

This piece of new art also just debuted:

The latest episode of the Play Nintendo Show is live. For the latest entry, Andrew, and Izzy return to Super Mario Maker for 3DS. Check out the video below.

The latest “react” video has teens pairing up to take on the opening gameplay in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Check out the full video below.

With the launch of World of Goo, we finally have a game on Switch that uses pointer controls. How does it stack up to Wii, a system that was based around that very functionality? GameXplain explores the situation in the video below.

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