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More footage is in showing Scizor in the arcade version of Pokken Tournament, who is the latest character joining Bandai Namco’s fighting. Watch some new gameplay below.

Over the years, fans have detected coins that just can’t be collected in Super Mario 64. Now one person seems to have found another – 20 years following the game’s original launch.

Coins in Super Mario 64 spawn in sets of five. They also come in several pre-set patterns. Yet as you can see above, one area in the Tiny-Huge Island level features a line of four coins. YouTube user UncommentatedPannen has a theory about it all.

As he explains:

“I show that there’s yet another impossible coin in the game, located in the huge version of Tiny-Huge Island. Specifically, there’s a coin spawner there that’s intended to spawn 5 coins in a horizontal line on the ground. However, this coin spawner’s located under the ground, causing the most uphill coin to not load properly. In particular, this coin spawns about 49 units below the ground, triggering a failsafe that causes the coin to immediately unload. Currently, there’s no known way to collect this coin.”

A closer look at UncommentatedPannen’s findings can be found below.


Alongside Switch’s preview trailer last week, a number of games were shown on both the television and the device itself. However, it’s important to note that this footage wasn’t running in real time. Nintendo simply added in the gameplay post-production.

Twitch streamer Dickhiskhan, who was one of the actors in the trailer, said he as well as others merely held dummy units. We also have the shot above clearing indicating that footage was added on to the Switch unit.

Nintendo had this to say about how it handled the Switch trailer:


Nintendo just posted a new “Medal Challenges” trailer for Super Mario Maker on 3DS. The game will feature over 100 new courses, and medals can be earned by completing certain objectives. View the new video below.

Nintendo stopped by the Starlight Children’s Foundation’s “Dream Halloween” event this past weekend with Mario Party: Star Rush. Attendees were able to try out the game, and even “meet” Mario. YouTuber GhostRobo was also in attendance.

Here are some photos (and related descriptions) from Nintendo:

Photo One

In this photo provided by Nintendo of America, guests of Starlight Children’s Foundation’s “Dream Halloween” event on Oct. 22 in Los Angeles got to meet Mario – one of the stars of the Mario Party Star Rush game. Available for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems starting Nov. 4, Mario Party Star Rush is packed with modes that players of all ages will love. The rapid-fire party game lets players think fast, play fast and have a blast.

Photo Two

In this photo provided by Nintendo of America, Zach D. of YouTube channel GhostRobo, plays a friendly round of competition in the Mario Party Star Rush game with guests at Starlight Children’s Foundation’s “Dream Halloween” event on Oct. 22 in Los Angeles. Available for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems starting Nov. 4, the fast-paced Mario Party Star Rush is packed with modes that players of all ages will love.

Photo Three

In this photo provided by Nintendo of America, actor Terrell Ransom Jr. plays a friendly round of competition in the Mario Party Star Rush game with guests at Starlight Children’s Foundation’s “Dream Halloween” event on Oct. 22 in Los Angeles. Available for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems starting Nov. 4, Mario Party Star Rush is packed with modes that players of all ages will love. The rapid-fire party game lets players think fast, play fast and have a blast.

Photo Four

In this photo provided by Nintendo of America, guests of Starlight Children’s Foundation’s “Dream Halloween” event on Oct. 22 in Los Angeles were treated to a sneak peek of the Mario Party Star Rush game prior to its Nov. 4 release. Available for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems, Mario Party Star Rush is packed with modes that players of all ages will love. The rapid-fire party game lets players think fast, play fast and have a blast.

Source: Nintendo PR

A few days ago, FDG Entertainment confirmed two Switch games for the first half of 2017. The first was widely assumed to be Oceanhorn as the company recently said earlier this month that the Zelda-inspired title would be released on an unspecified Nintendo title. Now we have further evidence of Oceanhorn making the jump to Switch as well as an indication of the second title.

Take a look at these two tweets:

Notice anything special? That’s right: both have Switch included in the hashtags. If those games weren’t bound for the new system, it wouldn’t make much sense including Switch!


The “Rare Revealed” video series continues, this time focusing on Jet Force Gemini. Below you’ll hear the studio share more about the classic N64 title with insider facts.

This week certainly turned out to be much more interesting in the world of Nintendo than most would have expected. It took Nintendo about 1.5 years, but we finally got a first look at the company’s brand new system on Thursday.

The way in which Nintendo decided to unveil Switch was certainly interesting. It was a more-focused approach for sure. Many people expected that Nintendo would come out in full-force with details, but instead we received a brief three-minute trailer. Still, in that time, you’ll find a lot packed in.

First, “NX” is now a thing of the past. We have an official, final name: Switch. The “Wii” brand is completely gone, and shows that Nintendo is ready to move on. Many rumors were also proven true: notably the hybrid theory, use of cartridges, and detachable controllers. Plus, it’s still on track for a March 2017 launch!

Another important aspect to point out is the amount of partners on board. The expected and previous-known partners such as Square Enix, Capcom, and Ubisoft are pledging support, but there are a few big surprises as well like Bethesda and FromSoftware. Heck, even EA seems to be giving things a shot as well. The Wii U had its fair share of third-party support when the console was first announced, but the number is certainly higher this time around, and more varied as well.

Even though there’s still plenty to learn about Switch, this is a good start. We apparently won’t be hearing much about it for the rest of the year, though Nintendo will likely hold an event in January for a proper blowout.

With that introduction out of the way, we want to hear from all of you about Switch. What are your initial impressions? Are you pleased with what Nintendo has shown so far, or are you disappointed. If you have any comments at all, share them with us below!

Highlights from last week’s topic: What are you playing? – October 2016

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Whatever you want to call it – an anniversary, a birthday, or anything else – Nintendo Everything has been around for nine years! We fully set up shop on October 22, 2007… and haven’t looked back since. We’ve gone through a couple of designs and a more focused approach to how we deliver the news, but on the whole, not too much has changed since then.

I don’t often get a chance to do this, but I really want to take a moment to thank each and every person who stops by Nintendo Everything. Whether you’re a one-time visitor or a regular news tipper, know that you’re extremely appreciated. It goes without saying that Nintendo Everything wouldn’t be what it is without you all. As corny as it sounds, it absolutely holds true.

I also have to give a massive thanks to all of the different contributors who have helped out on the site – both past and present. Matt and Jake have been brilliant with the night shift, and we recently brought in Zack, who is sparing me a few hours here and there and has been great as well. Dennis, Vincent, Phil, Jakob, and Patrick have also been on point with their reviews.

It’s an exciting time ahead. Nintendo just revealed Switch a couple of days ago, and the company’s future looks bright. I’m really looking forward to the years ahead and reporting/talking about it all here on the site.

So, that’s that. Another year in the books. One more year to go until we’re in double digits!

(By the way, we’re probably going to need to update our logo sometime soon with Switch on the way. I’ll try and see what I can do about that, but I’m no graphic artist!)

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