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The official boxart for SEGA 3D Reprint Archives 2 is now available. Check it out above.


Super Mario Maker wasn’t specifically created for the series’ 30th anniversary. That’s according to Yosuke Oshino, who says that the way things lined up was “just a coincidence.”

Oshino recently said:

“This being Mario’s 30th Anniversary is just a coincidence, it’s not something we consciously planned. The idea started with the course editor for the side scrolling Mario games. This tool was previously running on PC, but the team in charge of it thought that it might be helpful for developing future Mario games if the tool ran on the Wii U GamePad and so they started doing some experiments. While doing this they realized how easy it was to make courses and how fun it was for people like them who had no experience with level design. So they decided to bring the idea of making this tool into a game to the producer, Tezuka-san.”

Even if it wasn’t intentionally planned, Super Mario Maker definitely makes the anniversary a little extra special!


Update: Official announcement is after the break.

Today, The Pokemon Company announced a new game for smartphones: “Pokemon Go”. Niantic Labs is working on the project in addition to Nintendo.

Here’s what we know thus far:

– For smartphones
– Out next year
– Niantic Labs (startup from Google, now independent) is making the game
– Nintendo is also on board for the project, along with The Pokemon Company
– Started out 2 years ago
– Satoru Iwata was pretty involved
– Meet up in the real world to play together, go on adventures
– Vision shared by Pokemon president Tsunekazu Ishihara and Iwata
– Capture Pokemon

pokemon-go-plus miyamoto-pokemon

– They will inhabit parks, countryside, places around the world
– One of the original creators of Pokemon, Junichi Masuda (Game Freak), is working on the game
– Seek out Pokemon, capture them, use them to battle other players
– Will have a lot of depth so it can be enjoyed by players of various ages
– Will use real location information
– Masuda is thinking about how it will connect with future Pokemon games
– Alongside Nintendo, they’ve come up with a device to perform certain actions without having to put down your screen: Pokemon Go Plus (Bluetooth enabled)
– This uses a LED and vibration to notify players of things happening in-game
– Game can be enjoyed without the accessory
– Focused on how players would look when making Pokemon Go Plus
– Nintendo still trying to expand the gaming population


You’ll find a trailer for Pokemon Go below.

More: ,

Nekki, the mascot character of Famitsu, will be added to the game as a costume. That’s according to this week’s issue of the magazine. Specifics about the partnership will be announced at a later date.


Capcom issued another round of screenshots for Monster Hunter X today. We’ve gathered them up in the gallery below.

The Pokemon Company will be holding a press conference in just a few hours. It will be held at the following times:

06:00 UTC
07:00 BST
02:00 EDT
23:00 PDT
15:00 JST

We don’t really know what the conference will be about, but it will apparently cover a new “business strategy”. This may or may not be related to the Pokemon games.

The conference will be live streamed on Niconico here. If any notable news comes out of the event, we’ll have it right here on the site.



Update: Bumped to the top. The Xenoblade Chronicles X Special Edition has now sold out at GameStop.

Pre-orders for the Xenoblade Chronicles X Special Edition have gone up on GameStop’s website. Get yours here. If you’re having issues, add it to your cart via the search page rather than the product page.

Nintendo has set a date for its second quarter earnings: October 28. This probably wouldn’t be notable news in most circumstances, but some are wondering if the company will announce a new president at the event. In any case, we can look forward to the latest sales and perhaps some other small goodies.


This week’s Wii U eShop charts are as follows:


1. Runbow
2. Super Mario Maker
3. Splatoon
4. Zelda: Ocarina of Time
5. Cube Life: Island Survival
6. Super Mario World
7. Super Mario Maker
8. Super Mario Bros. 3
9. Shovel Knight
10. Sin & Punishment
11. Super Mario Bros.
12. Disney Infinity 3.0
13. Paper Mario
14. DuckTales Remastered
15. Mario Golf
16. Gunman Clive HD Collection
17. Donkey Kong 64
18. The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
19. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
20. Mario Kart 8


1. Let’s Watch! Super Mario Maker Overview!
2. Yoshi’s Woolly World E3 2015 Trailer
3. Super Mario Maker E3 2015 Trailer
4. Skylanders SuperChargers E3 Trailer
5. Splatoon Big Splats Trailer
6. Play Nintendo Introduction Video
7. Cube Life: Island Survival Trailer
8. Runbow – Bowhemoth Featurette
9. Nintendo@E3 2015 – Super Mario Maker Reactions
10. Splatoon Squid Strats Trailer
11. Runbow Launch Trailer
12. Disney Infinity 3.0 – Twilight of the Republic Play Set Video
13. Cube Life: Island Survival Trailer 2
14. 13AM At Nintendo – Runbow Trailer
15. Sin & Punishment Trailer
16. Introducing amiibo
17. Splatoon Tower Control Trailer
18. New amiibo Commercial
19. Great Games to Buy with eShop Cards
20. Runbow Guest Character Reveal Trailer

Source: Wii U eShop


Capcom has published an official video for one of the Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airou Village DX 3DS themes available in Japan. Watch it below.

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