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Square Enix released Krile DLC for Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call in Japan last year. Unsurprisingly, the company has confirmed that there are no plans to bring the character overseas. Given how long it’s been, that’s hardly a surprise!

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Several characters models from an unannounced Disney Interactive game have appeared online, via the online profile of 3D artist Cari Mayle. The game is coming to the Wii U, but it’s unknown if other platforms will be receiving it as well. We know that the project is a fantasy game of some sort… and not much else!

Source, Via

Comic and Painting Workshop users will soon be able to post screenshots on Miiverse, Collavier has confirmed. An update is in the works that will make the functionality possible. A date for the patch’s arrival hasn’t been determined, but it’s “coming soon”.

Collavier’s “Jeremy” wrote in a Miiverse post:


If you plan on playing Xenoblade Chronicles 3D, you should be aware that the game apparently lacks the Japanese dub. The original Wii game allowed players to switch between the Japanese and English voices. Just to be safe, we’ll try following up with Nintendo of America to confirm that the situation.


Mr. Iwata, how do you think the demand for entertainment will change from now on? Earlier you mentioned consumer behavior, and the way consumers collect and receive information has changed. For the last few years, I think that for the overall entertainment industry, various key trends have transitioned. I would like to know how you think the ultimate demand is changing.

I think that the demand itself for entertainment is increasing rather than decreasing. Now that smart devices are a means of entertainment consumption for a number of consumers, I think the total time and consumption of entertainment is increasing. However, the tough issue for this platform is that the platform holders are not so interested in maintaining the high value of the content and instead feel that the cheaper the content, the better or even that the content should be free. On this point, I can empathize with Mr. Kawakami, the chairman of DWANGO Co., Ltd., as he often uses the expression to describe the situation of the content for smart devices with “the eggs are on sale at the supermarket.”

In the music and video industries, they made more profits by selling content before, but, because of the digitalization trend, it has become much more difficult to make profits by just selling the content. For example, artists whose CDs sold over one million copies in the past can sell less than one-tenth of them now. It is said that whether they can maintain the revenue or not now is up to the number of people who attend their concerts and other events. Consumers spend money on one-time events like concerts, but once they have regarded as a norm that they can digitally obtain content free of charge, we cannot easily change their minds regarding content value. As for video content, once services offering a library of tens of thousands of videos for only a few hundred yen per month become mainstream, DVDs will not sell as they did in the past. I have heard a Hollywood movie producer say that profit structures for movies have changed, and it is difficult to expect profits from selling DVDs.


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