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Based on a new tweet, Curve Digital may have something in store for tomorrow’s Nintendo Direct. It could be something extremely small such as being a part of an eShop reel. We really won’t know until after the presentation airs. In any case, here’s the relevant tweet:


Wobby Tooth is still supporting Battleminer with free updates. The latest patch, which was revealed on the developer’s Twitter account today, will add a major feature.

When Battleminer’s next update goes live, players will be able to partake in multiplayer co-op. This will work both locally and online.

Battleminer’s newest update is coming to Europe on April 16. There’s no date yet for North America, but it shouldn’t be too far behind.


Xenoblade Chronicles 3D is the first New 3DS-exclusive game. You can insert the cartridge into a regular 3DS, and the system will even recognize it properly. But as expected, you can’t launch Xenoblade Chronicles 3D on a standard 3DS system. If you try, you’ll be presented with the notice above!


Nintendo put up its Japanese page for tomorrow’s Nintendo Direct, and it shares some insight into what we should and shouldn’t expect from the presentation.

In terms of what we’ll be hearing about, Nintendo will be discussing titles releasing through the end of summer. That indicates that we’ll be getting updates on Xenoblade Chronicles X, Splatoon, Fire Emblem If, and Rhythm Heaven 3DS – at least during the Japanese stream.

Meanwhile, Nintendo UK pushed out an email (see above) to fans a short while ago suggesting that there will be new announcements. That shouldn’t be shocking in any way, but it’s nice to have a confirmation!

Lastly, we know about two things Nintendo will not touch on: NX and mobile. It’s specifically stated on the Japanese Nintendo Direct page that neither of these two items will be mentioned.


Word Search by POWGI is coming to the North American and European eShops on April 16, Lightwood Games confirmed today. It will be available for both Wii U and 3DS. Pricing is set at $7.99 / £5.99 / €7.99.

Word Search by POWGI is packed with over 300 puzzles, with unique aspects planned for Nintendo’s platforms. The 3DS version features a simple touch-screen interface and the ability to take the game anywhere, while the Wii U release makes use of off-TV play and 5-player multiplayer.

You’ll be able to try out Word Search by POWGI with a free demo releasing soon.

Source: Lightwood Games PR

A new Nintendo Direct presentation will be held tomorrow, Nintendo has announced. The broadcast will focus on upcoming games for both Wii U and 3DS.

In addition to the Nintendo Direct, a presentation for one of Nintendo’s spring releases will be streamed by the Treehouse team.

Tomorrow’s Nintendo Direct will kick off at 6 PM ET / 3 PM PT. We’ll have a stream here on the site before it begins. Possibly a live blog as well!


This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Bloodborne (PS4) – 9/10/9/8
Ori and the Blind Forest (XBO) – 9/9/9/9
Battlefield Hardline (PS4/PS3/XBO/360) – 9/9/8/8
Star Strike Ultra (PS4) – 8/7/9/8
LEGO Batman 3 (Wii U/PS4/PS3) – 9/8/8/7
Astebreed (PS4) – 8/8/8/8
LEGO Batman 3 (3DS) – 8/8/8/8
Spelunker Z (PS4) – 8/6/9/9
How to Survive: Storm Warning Edition (PS4) – 8/7/8/8
XBlaze Lost: Memories (PS3/PSV) – 8/7/7/7
Nankou Furaku Sangokuden Remake: Raishi (3DS) – 8/7/7/6
Hyakka Ryouran Elixir: Record of Torenia Revival (PSV) – 7/7/7/6
Thorium Wars: Attack of the Skyfighter (3DS) – 7/5/7/6

We’re one step closer to the end of Club Nintendo. Once tomorrow has passed, you won’t be able to earn coins on the website any longer. Make sure to finish up any product registrations you have!

The Gold and Platinum rewards should hopefully be announced later this week. After that, there’s not much to look forward to. Mewtwo DLC is coming sometime this spring (make sure you register Smash Bros. Wii U and 3DS before tomorrow ends), and that’s about it! But hey, Club Nintendo had a good run. And we’ll be receiving a new loyalty program down the road.

Nintendo is trying to put the kibosh on the fan-made Super Mario 64 Unity/HD remake. You may have noticed that one site, which previously hosted a playable browser demo, was slapped with a copyright infringement claim.

I suppose one bright spot is that the original remake post is still up and running on the creator’s website. It’s just tough for fan projects to survive when they’re based on content from game-makers!


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