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Siliconera recently spoke with Tomoya Asano, producer of Bravely Default as well as Bravely Second. Asano confirmed that the game won’t be more action-focused than its predecessor, and talked up the game’s random battles, expansion of Luxendarc, and new character Magnolia. You can find Asano’s comments below or over at Siliconera.

There’s a lot going on with Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth right now. Today, Atlus announced that a special 3DS XL system is coming to tie-in with the game’s release, and there will also be a unique soundtrack available as a first-print bonus. But that’s not all – a Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth Famitsu DX Pack is also on the way.

The Famitsu DX Pack will come with a copy of Persona Q, a special B5 size tapestry drawn by the Persona Q anime staff, an A3 size clear poster, five visual clear files, a Persona Q mug teased as the “motif style of the Velvet Room,” and a graphig version of Rei. Pricing is set at 10,590 yen.


Puzzle & Dragons Z has a crossover with Taiko: Dream Master’s Don – otherwise known as the drum from Taiko no Tatsujin. A Drop Code allows players to unlock a crossover dungeon by playing Namco Bandai’s Wii U rhythm game or Taiko: Drum Master Pink Version in arcades. On the other end of the spectrum, Taiko no Tatsujin Wii U features Puzzle & Dragons songs such as Walking Through The Towers and the Upside Down World as free DLC.


As a huge fan of Seinfeld, I must share this video:

Thanks to Jake for the tip.

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Video game stamps are something that could happen in 2016, based on a leaked January 2014 stamp subjects document. We’ve yet to see any sort of designs and the lineup of subjects included in the file could change at any time, but it’s something that’s under consideration at the very least. If approved, the stamp would celebrate the term “Video Games” in some fashion.

Source, Via


BLOK DROP U will be fairly cheap when it launches on the Wii U eShop in the near future. RCMADIAX confirmed via Twitter that the game is priced at just $1.99.

RCMADIAX has also confirmed that BLOK DROP U will be available in North America on March 6:


Howard Lincoln, former chairman for Nintendo of America, is thanked in Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze’s credits. The news is hardly earth-shattering, but it’s an interesting nugget. Lincoln was last thanked in a Nintendo game for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption – not Donkey Kong Country Returns. By including Lincoln in the Tropical Freeze credits, Retro could be trying to thank him for helping establish the company.

Source, Via

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze sold 36,000 units (give or take) in its first week on the Japanese market. This we know. Media Create, however, has shared a few extra bits about the game’s sales.

Perhaps most significant, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze only sold through 35.28 percent of its initial shipment. Media Create mentions that the series is seeing a downward trend in sales. As previously mentioned, Donkey Kong Country Returns on Wii sold 163,000 units in its first week while the 3DS port sold another 104,000 units.

Aside from the Wii U’s lower installed base, why are gamers seemingly less interested? Media Create speculates that people aren’t being enticed by the new layers within Tropical Freeze. The sales tracker also cautions people to consider the heavy snow last weekend, especially in places like Tohoku and Kanto areas.

And of course, we can’t forget about what kind of title Donkey Kong is. Media Create points out that more sales will come over a longer period of time due to its evergreen nature.

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