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Update: Here’s the regular, latest episode of Nyannyan Neko Mario Time:

The latest episode of Nintendo’s Japanese show Nyannyan Neko Mario Time has now gone live, specifically focusing on Paper Mario: Color Splash. We’ve included it below.

Update: The theme will cost $1.99, as stated by Matt Bozon of WayForward.

WayForward has readied a new 3DS theme based on the Shantae series. Later this week, fans will be able to buy the Shantae Beach 3DS theme. It’s panorama style, and has music/voices.

We should be seeing the theme in North America on Thursday. Europe will have it on Friday.


Yesterday, River City: Tokyo Rumble went up on Natsume’s Amazon store. This was the special physical version that’s packed with a keychain. It actually sold out already, but Natsume is working on a restock as soon as possible. A specific date hasn’t been determined, but it’ll be up on Amazon here as soon as more copies are in.

It’s good news for the publisher, as sales have “well exceeded what we thought the demand would be for physical copies.” Natsume apologized to those who aren’t able to purchase a copy, but you should keep an eye on that Amazon page for the restock.

Here’s the news from Natsume:

Two new 3DS games are out today at retail: River City: Tokyo Rumble and Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice. If you’re not interested in the physical versions, going digital on the eShop is an option.

River City: Tokyo Rumble takes up 1,263 blocks (157.875 MB). Meanwhile, Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice requires 13,268 (1,658.5 MB) blocks.

IGN has just uploaded a video containing the first 15 minutes of Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice to their YouTube channel. You can watch the video below.

GameStop stores in the United States distributed Darkrai in the Pokemon 3DS games earlier in the year. Fans now have another opportunity to obtain the Mythical Pokemon.

Through October 31, Pokemon X/X and Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire players can receive Darkrai by using the code “Darkrai20”. It’s the same one that was given out at GameStop, so if you received that one, you won’t be able to get this one as well.


ntower gives us another look at Mario Party: Star Rush with 13 minutes of footage. See their video below for more gameplay.

This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Monster Hunter Stories (3DS) – 9/9/8/9
BlazBlue: Centralfiction (PS4/PS3) – 9/9/8/8
Norn9: Norn + Norn9 Act Tune (PSV) – 8/8/8/8
Ninja Pizza Girl (PS4/XBO) – 7/7/7/8
Kobito Game Taizen (3DS) – 7/8/7/8
Fenix Furia (PS4) – 8/7/7/7
Psychic Emotion 6 (PSV) – 7/8/7/6

Nintendo Network

Nintendo has added even more maintenance for both Wii U and 3DS to its schedule for the week. Online play, rankings, etc. will be impacted.

Here’s the schedule:

Wii U / 3DS

– 8 AM PT (September 27) – 2:30 PM PT (September 27)
– 11 AM ET (September 27) – 5:30 PM ET (September 27)
– 4 PM in the UK (September 27) – 10:30 PM in the UK (September 27)
– 5 PM in Europe (September 27) – 11:30 PM in Europe (September 27)

Wii U

– 5:50 PM PT (September 29) – 7:30 PM PT (September 29)
– 8:50 PM ET (September 29) – 10:30 PM ET (September 29)
– 1:50 AM in the UK (September 30) – 3:30 AM in the UK (September 30)
– 2:50 AM in Europe (September 30) – 4:30 AM in Europe (September 30)


Update: The same Volcanion has been announced for Norway as well. It will be available for download from Gamestop and Neo Tokyo stores, as well as serial codes from Gamzone and Spillsjappa, all available from October 1 through November 23.

Starting in October, Volcanion, the final Mythical Pokemon from generation 6, will be distributed in various countries. Details have now been announced for the distribution in Sweden: Gamestop, Webhallen and Spel & Sånt stores will carry codes that allow you to get Volcanion.

Interestingly, this “Swedish” Volcanion will be similar to the one distributed in Japan in that it carries the Rage Candy Bar item and knows Mist – the one that’ll be distributed in other Western countries carries an Assault Vest and knows Explosion instead.


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