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General Nintendo

This information comes from Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa, speaking during the company’s Corporate Management Policy Briefing…

This information comes from Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa, speaking during the company’s Corporate Management Policy Briefing…

This information comes from Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa, speaking during the company’s Corporate Management Policy Briefing…

This information comes from Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa, speaking during the company’s Corporate Management Policy Briefing…

This information comes from Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa, speaking during the company’s Corporate Management Policy Briefing…

This information comes from Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa, speaking during the company’s Corporate Management Policy Briefing…

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As fans continue to datamine Super Mario 3D All-Stars, it’s been discovered that the collection’s N64 emulator has strings for other N64 titles. These include:

Shigeru Miyamoto

As part of Super Mario’s 35th anniversary, CNN was able to speak with some of the series’ creators. Among them was Shigeru Miyamoto, who opened up about why the character was made a plumber.

Miyamoto stated:

Cuphead Arby's

Cuphead is continuing to make a name for itself beyond the actual game. Toys based on the game are now available with purchase of a Kids Meal at Arby’s, Studio MDHR announced today.

Here’s the announcement shared on social media:

Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog is turning 30 years old in 2021, and SEGA is slowly starting to detail how it intends to celebrate.

Yesterday we heard about the new Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclo-speed-ia. Other merchandise is planned, including toys, collectibles, apparel, and much more.

Here’s the full rundown:

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