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The third wave of Animal Crossing amiibo cards can be pre-ordered on Amazon once again. These were up for a very brief period a week or two ago, but quickly sold out. Place an order here.

Image & Form has prepared a new episode for its series known as “The Engine Room” – watch it below.

This time around, the studio tackles the topic of amiibo. To put it simply, Image & Form is interested in making a SteamWorld amiibo happen, but there would be a lot of work involved. They do want to continue to see fans support the idea, and they encourage everyone to share their own ideas for what the figure would look like and how it would function.

February 27 is a big day for Pokemon given that it’s the series’ 20th anniversary. To celebrate, several activities are planned, including an event at Nintendo NY.

Here’s the rundown

Visit participating stores on Pokémon Day for special Pokémon events. Head to Toys“R”Us to receive special foil cards featuring Pikachu and Magikarp from the new Pokémon TCG: Generations expansion, as well as a Pokémon activity book and a poster of the original 151 Pokémon, while supplies last. Toys“R”Us will also have an exclusive Generations-themed binder available for purchase to store your new cards.

As part of the Pokémon 20th celebration, GameStop stores are offering a Mythical Pokémon poster with purchase of any Pokémon product while supplies last. An exclusive Mew plush is also available for purchase.

All Pokémon fans are invited to Nintendo NY located at Rockefeller Center in New York City on February 27 for a Pokémon 20th celebration. We’ll have fun activities planned for attendees.

Many more details about Pokémon Day on February 27 are on the way. Keep checking for more information as we get closer to the big day. And remember to visit for more Pokémon 20th fun!

Of course, on February 27, the three classic Pokemon games will be on the 3DS Virtual Console: Red, Blue, and Yellow. There will also be the previously-announced New 3DS bundle.



Update (2/5): Bumped to the top. The Hyrule Edition New 3DS XL is now up on Amazon Germany.

Original (2/4): Amazon UK has opened up pre-orders for a few new items. The Hyrule Edition New 3DS XL is now available here. Three amiibo – Roy, Ryu, and Famicom R.O.B. can also be ordered.

New Nendoroids based on the Red and Blue trainers from Pokemon is slated for July. One for Red had been previously released, but this latest model is based on his inclusion in FireRed and LeafGreen and more closely matches the art of the original game.

Both Nendoroids will be sold in a special bundle for 7,500 yen. Each comes with two face parts and two feet parts. Blue has six different arm parts while Red has five. Blue beats out Red yet again. Mew is also included, and you can change around his parts as well. Other accessories like Pokeballs and a backpack are also in the package.

These Nendoroids are due out on July 9. Reservations open on July 9. Product will be limited, as they’ll only be available at Japanese Pokemon Centers and Amazon Japan.

Source, Via


The Timmy and Tommy amiibo is now available for pre-order on Timmy & Tommy Nook amiibo – Nintendo Wii U. It will cost $12.99. Previously, it was believed that they would be a Target exclusive, but it appears that this is not the case.

It’s been announced today that the Ace Attorney anime will begin on April 2 in Japan. Previously, a general April window had been confirmed rather than a specific date. Also shared is that the anime will run at 5:30 PM.

A-1 Pictures is in charge of the Ace Attorney anime. Ayumu Watanabe is directing the show while Kaoru Wada is composing.


The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses – Master Quest will be returning to the UK on April 23 at The SSE Arena in Wembley, London. A commercial promoting the event can be found below.

NintenDaan has a new video up which unboxes the Wolf Link amiibo. Get a closer look at the figure in the video below.

Cheesemeister3k has translated one more excerpt from the Q&A portion of Nintendo’s latest financial results briefing. When asked about his strategy as president, Tatsumi Kimishima said:

Kimishima: Yes, when I became President, I said that it was my role to continue the strategy established under the prior management. From this point, we need young people to come in as a new generation and give lots of new ideas. It’s important to create an organization in which they can thrive. To do so, we’ve established a system in which many people with potential can play active roles. It may be hard to see from outside the company, but our organization has changed greatly. We also want more game developers to become known, so we’ll be sending more out to be public-facing. As for strategy, our hardware/software game business is central, but we’re integrating smart device activities into our actual business, and will derive synergies between them. My Nintendo is an important part of that. We want to create connections with customers by having them become My Nintendo members. Also, although QOL wasn’t asked about we’re not at the stage for the sleep and fatigue [sensor] to become a product, so it won’t be released (as a product) by March. We do, however, think that we can do something in the area of QOL, so we will continue to consider expanding into this field.


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