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Camp Miiverse has come to a preemptive close. In an official post on the social network, it was announced that all future activities have been cancelled in light of Satoru Iwata’s passing.

“Please accept my deepest and most sincere gratitude to everyone who joined,” Nintendo’s Tom wrote. “We hope you had fun playing, and continue to do so playing our games. Thank you.”

Here’s the full message:



A short while ago, Amazon announced that it will be the exclusive retailer to be offering the Palutena amiibo in both the U.S. and Canada. A representative for the site has since shared some additional information about what to expect.

The rep stated:

A few things to keep in mind, that we learned before wave 4:

1) We want to avoid resellers as much as possible, so she’ll be limited to 1 per customer.
2) We’re going to let everyone know when she’ll go on sale ahead of time.
3) That time will be during “normal business hours” (No 2:30am releases).
4) We learned from wave 4 that the time “windows” aren’t much different from just announcing a time, so I think that’s what we’ll be doing.

Also, we have a lot more stock than we’ve had of any other amiibo yet. I know we’ll end up selling out, but I think it’ll be closer to the Splatoon 3-pack or Charizard or something rather than Lucina/Robin in terms of how long they’re available (~15 mins after available). If you show up on time, you should be able to get one.

The same rep added, “I know that there’s a lot of concern, but these are not going to disappear instantly like Lucina/Robin. I’m confident that if you show up when they go on sale, you should be able to get one.”

Amazon will be selling the Palutena amiibo on July 24. More specifics are due on July 22.


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Update: Palutena is also exclusive in Canada. The official product page can be found here.

In spite of rumors to the contrary, the Palutena amiibo will be a retailer exclusive after all. The figure will only be made available through Amazon next week.

You can see the listing here. It won’t be going live until July 24, however.

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There will be only one way to purchase a Dark Pit amiibo in Canada. Best Buy has obtained exclusivity for Dark Pit in the country, meaning no other retailers will be selling the figure.

Best Buy’s Reward Zone Gamers Club Twitter account confirms:

Dark Pit was previously confirmed as a retailer exclusive in the U.S. Palutena also arrives on the same day, and should be available at all stores.


Nintendo developer Retro Studios published a statement about the passing of Satoru Iwata on its Twitter earlier today. This is what was shared by the company:


Nintendo has issued a statement about the passing of company president Satoru Iwata through its North American Twitter account.

Nintendo said that Iwata has left behind “an amazing legacy”, and all of its employees “will spend every day trying to honor him and what he created.” Fans were also thanked for their “outpouring of support”.

Here’s a look at both messages:


Some folks in Europe have started getting their hands on the latest amiibo. Hit up the gallery below for photos of the Dr. Mario, Bowser Jr., and Olimar figures.



Bill Trinen is the latest notable Nintendo staffer to have offered up a couple of comments on the passing of Satoru Iwata. Have a look at what he said on Twitter below.


As we reported earlier today, the Nintendo World store in New York has set up a little memorial for Satoru Iwata, who passed away over the weekend. Check out some photos below.

It’s worth noting that the memorial will be kept in place for roughly two weeks. The notebooks (and potentially other items left by visitors) will then be sent to Nintendo of America’s headquarters in Redmond, Washington.


With the passing of Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, fans located near the company’s North America were hopping to pay their respects today. Visitors left behind flowers, a special drawing, and even a silver Mario amiibo.

Source 1, Source 2

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