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Wonder Flick trailer

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments

First Layton 7 footage

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments


Level-5 announced a new Layton game during its “Vision” event in Japan just a short while ago. However, this isn’t the same kind of Professor Layton that fans have come to love.

What Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino demonstrated was a RPG puzzle game. Not much about the project was said, but we do know that it’s coming to the 3DS and iOS/Android.

We’ll have the first brief footage of Layton 7 shortly.

Level-5 announced a new game titled “Wonder Flick” during its Vision event in Japan today… and it’s coming out on almost every major platform.

Wonder Flick is a brand new touch-centric RPG with some pretty major talent. Level 5 CEO Akihiro Hino is directing, Nobuo Uematsu is working on the game’s music, Nao Ikeda is in charge of character designs, and Takuz? Nagano from the Professor Layton franchise is designing boss creatures.

It sounds like save data can be shared between platforms. Additionally, each version will apparently have its own unique dungeon.

Wonder Flick is scheduled to launch on Wii U, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PS Vita, Xbox One, and iOS/Android. It’s due out on mobile platforms this November, followed by dedicated gaming platforms in 2014.

You can find the official website here.

Hi all. My name is Scott Duncan (some may know me as Unlikely Yuusha), and I create video game reviews which are filled to the brim with my terrible ideas and ridiculous personality. Hopefully this is something you’ll enjoy.

The debut episode in Nintendo Everything’s new “Unlikely Reviews” series is Super Mario Sunshine, which I’d say is one of the more under-appreciated titles of the GameCube. In the video above, I take a look back on the game and remember the lovable setting and characters.

I’ll see you in the near future with more silly antics!

I’m never doing two Eggbusters in one week again. I nearly died trying to get these out even remotely on time I think! But they turned out pretty good.

If you’ve never played LEGO City Undercover, I still suggest checking out the video. It’s one of my new favorite episodes!

Platinum Games has updated its Wonderful 101 blog with yet another post. You can find it here. Today’s update covers the game’s bosses.

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