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Atlus has shared the latest daily demon video for Shin Megami Tensei V. The latest featured demon is Lilith, check it out with the video below.

RiMS Racing gameplay

Posted on 3 years ago by in Switch, Videos | 0 comments

Motorcycle racing simulator RiMS racing launches on Switch today, October 5. Check out some gameplay footage with the video below.

2.5D adventure Rainbow Billy: The Curse of the Leviathan arrives on Switch today. Check out some gameplay footage with the video below.

New content is available today in Fire Emblem Heroes, including new Tempest Trials preparations and a new Summoning Event. Check out the full details on what’s new below the break.

Here’s what’s happening in the world of Dragalia Lost:

  • The second half of the Faith Forsaken (Part One) raid event started Oct. 3, 11 PM PT, in Dragalia Lost! Nightmare, Omega (Solo), and Omega (Raid) difficulties have been added.
  • Shadow Legion’s Trial, Agni’s Trial, and Jeanne d’Arc’s Trial are coming to Trials of the Mighty in Dragalia Lost Oct. 5, 11 PM PT. Take on these quests with teams of specific adventurers to earn materials for unlocking mana spirals from the daily bonus.
  • A Prize Showcase started on Oct. 4, 11 PM PT! 5-Star adventurer Regina is featured.

Fire Emblem Heroes Shared Bounty

Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have announced a new Shared Bounty event for the mobile game Fire Emblem Heroes. It will be going live in just a few days.

The upcoming event will feature Robin: Fall Reincarnation (Fire Emblem Awakening, voiced by David Vincent, art by Okuma Yugo), Rhea: Witch of Creation (from Fire Emblem: Three Houses, voiced by Cherami Leigh, art by ichikawa Halu), Kurthnaga: Autumn Goldoan (from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, voiced by Brandon Winckler, art by hou), and Sothis: Bound-Spirit Duo (from Fire Emblem: Three Houses, voiced by Cassandra Lee Morris and Zach Aguilar, art by azu-taro). A new Paralogue Story is also planned.

shin megami tensei Hecatoncheir

Atlus has returned with another demon trailer for Shin Megami Tensei V, which has offered up a look at Hecatoncheir. The demon first appeared in Shin Megami Tensei II. It would later appear in many additional entries in the franchise, including Persona titles.

The Megami Tensei Wiki offers up a little bit of background information on Hecatoncheir. If you’d like to read about the creature further, continue on below.

Mary Skelter Finale gameplay

We now have some gameplay for Mary Skelter Finale, Switch’s dungeon-crawling RPG. The title finally made its debut in the west a few days ago.

Check out the following overview for Mary Skelter Finale:

tetris 99 monster hunter rise

Tetris 99 is teaming up with Monster Hunter Rise for its next event, Nintendo has announced.

The game’s 25th Maximus Cup will be going live later this week. When it’s active, players will have a chance to earn a theme based on Monster Hunter Rise. Themes in the game have typically been first-party, to it’s interesting to see things being changed up here.

Danger Scavenger

A new update has gone live for Danger Scavenger on Switch. It includes a ton of improvements and fixes relating to performance, AI, and more.

Below are the full patch notes for the new Danger Scavenger update:

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