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Skate City

Agens and Snowman debuted a new trailer this week for Skate City, an upcoming skateboarding game for Switch. We’ve included it below.

Skate City is planned for May 6 on the Switch eShop. In case you missed it, we have additional information and an extra trailer here.

Epic and Apple have been going head to head in court with a new case that officially started today. After Fortnite previously bypassed Apple’s payment system so that the company wouldn’t receive commission, the game was removed from the App Store. Epic was none too pleased with the move, and has regularly expressed dissatisfaction with Apple taking 30 percent of revenue earned on the digital marketplace.

The start of the lawsuit has brought about a document that reveal all sorts of information about Fortnite – including plans that were either scrapped or could be happening in the future. This includes a whole bunch of skins that have never been mentioned before.


Bolverk Games has updated its Switch platformer Glyph. It comes with an improved difficulty curve primarily due to rearranged levels, various adjustments, and fixes.

Below are the full patch notes:


Naps Teams has released brand new gameplay of its action adventure RPG Baldo: The Guardian Owls. Get a look at 13 minutes of footage below.

A release window for Baldo: The Guardian Owls has not yet been announced.

Waluigi controller

PowerA has a new Switch controller in the works as part of its Super Mario line. Next up is a Waluigi design, which features the character with a mostly purple aesthetic in the front and all yellow on the other side.

Here’s the full product description:



Nintendo released a new video today showcasing a few European digital game highlights from April 2021. You can watch it below.

SturmFront: The Mutant War: Übel Edition

Following its release on Switch, Red Art Games has announced that SturmFront: The Mutant War: Übel Edition is heading to Switch. A release date will be shared later this month. Pricing is set at $9.99 / €9.99 / £8.99.

That’s not all for SturmFront: The Mutant War: Übel Edition. Also revealed today is a physical version for Switch, which will be distributed by Red Art Games. It’s up for pre-order here.

The physical version of SturmFront: The Mutant War: Übel Edition costs €29.99. 2,900 copies will be made in total.

Source: Red Art Games PR

Later this year, the skateboarding game Skate City will be appearing on Switch. Find some early footage in the video below.

Skate City is slated for May 6 on the Switch eShop. We have more information and a trailer here.


Save me Mr Tako: Definitive Edition

Save me Mr Tako is getting a second chance on Switch with a new Definitive Edition. Take a look at some footage below.

Save me Mr Tako: Definitive Edition launches for Switch via the eShop on May 5.

Super Glitch Dash

Super Glitch Dash, a “twitch runner”, recently debuted on Switch. Have a look at some footage in the video below.

Super Glitch Dash is now available on the Switch eShop. Learn more about the game here.

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