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The videos above come from Digital Foundry’s latest technical investigation focusing on Super Mario 3D World. As shown in the footage, 3D World offers a rock solid 60 frames per second and “clean visuals”. You can check out Digital Foundry’s full piece here.

Sanuk Games has a new Bomberman-like game in the works for the Wii U, PlayStation 4, PS Vita, mobile platforms, and possibly 3DS. The studio has shared the following information thus far:

– Tentatively known as Bombing Bastards, name may change
– Made with Unity
– Coming to consoles first
– Includes a solo adventure with “scripted” enemies
– Local mode supports up to 4 players
– 8 players online
– Cartoon-styled graphics
– Will be around $5
– No release date yet


In addition to Gravity Badgers, Wales Interactive also intends to release its “psychological adventure horror” title Master Reboot on the Wii U eShop. The game, set in the “Soul Cloud”, offers a total of 34 environments. No word on Master Reboot’s release date yet, but it’s expected out “soon”.
Source, Via

A few years ago, Kersploosh! developer Poisoft released “Order” on the Japanese WiiWare service. A revamped version of the game, which comes bundled with I Want to Save the World Too! (set in the same universe), is heading to the Japanese 3DS eShop next Wednesday. Here’s what we know:

– Revamped graphics
– Integrates Save the World’s adventure mode and Order’s king-mode together
– Can create an adventurer who wanders the land, takes on quests, fights monsters, etc. in I Want to Save the World Too!’s adventure mode
– Slight twist—you might be doing it in your other save data’s King’s country
– As a King, you’ll be able to come across your created hero or other heroes from StreetPass and QR Codes and hire them off on quests
– Order has a lot more text
– Out on December 11
– 1000 yen



Moving Player is preparing its latest title for the 3DS, tentatively known as “Sweet Factory”. The game is due out in early 2014 for the eShop.

Not much is known about Sweet Factory at present. Moving Player has confirmed that the title will provide match-3 puzzle gameplay, and time management will be involved as players produce sweets to satisfy customers.


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