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Happy Miitomo launch day, everyone! While the game will be released in the West at some point today, it’s been available in Japan for a couple of weeks now. Today, Nintendo released a new TV commercial for Miitomo, which I think captures the spirit of it pretty well. Check it out below:

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In Europe, Chompy Chomp Chomp Party will be available starting tomorrow (North American version coming soon). Watch a bit of gameplay below.

Mario Party 2 just recently landed on the Japanese Wii U Virtual Console. Take a look at a few minutes of footage below.

Tachyon Project is a day away from launching on the European Wii U eShop, with a North American release coming later. Watch the first 19 minutes below.

Another hour of footage has come in for the indie game Slain! Check out the new video below.

Digital Foundry has returned with another game frame rate analysis. This time around, the outlet examines Pokken Tournament. The fighter is able to maintain 60 frames per second for the most part, though it does take a hit in resolution.

Digital Foundry notes that Pokken Tournament runs at 960×720, which is below 720p. This can impact backgrounds and what players see when characters are shown up close.

Take a look at the full analysis below.

Nintendo has come out with a brief new trailer for Star Fox Zero. You can find it below.

Nintendo is calling this a trailer, but it’s only 30 seconds long. Maybe it’ll be a commercial instead? We’ll see!

Justice Chronicles, Kemco’s latest RPG, is due out on the 3DS eShop in both North America and Europe tomorrow. View the official trailer below.

At WonderCon this past weekend, JC Rodrigo from the Nintendo Treehouse hosted demos for both Star Fox Zero and Star Fox Guard. Both can be found below.

The latest episode of Nintendo’s Japanese show Nyannyan Neko Mario Time has now gone live. We’ve included it below.

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