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NIS America will bring Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl to Europe, the company announced today. A release is planned for 2014.

Atlus launched Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl in North America earlier this month. The game originally hit Japan in late June.

Source, Via

A whole bunch of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds details have emerged, covering the first few hours of the game. Needless to say spoilers are abound here. If you’re interested in the information, head past the break.

Magi: The Kingdom of Magic has been dated for Japan. Namco Bandai will publish the 3DS game on February 13. Pricing is set at 5,980 yen.

New screenshots, along with the game’s boxart, can be found above.

Regular Show: Mordecai and Rigby in 8-Bit Land is available starting today in North America.


Jump has revealed a new downloadable quest for Monster Hunter 4 which provides players with a Tony Tony Chopper costume and weapons for their Felyne. The quest will be available starting on November 4. Jump also suggests that further Monster Hunter 4 collaborations with One Piece could be on the way.

Pokemon X/Y will be gaining new O-Powers in Japan, thanks to the various Pokemon Centers.

Between November 16 and December 13, players can obtain Capture Power, Bargain Power and Prize Money Powers. Each one is set at level 3.

Also, between December 14 and January 11, Pokemon Centers will be providing Capture Power, EXP. Point Power and Hatching Power. Once again, the each one maintains level 3.


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Along with today’s screenshot, Sakurai passed along the following message on Miiverse:

“Let’s try out the obstacle course today!”

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