Capcom comments on Okamiden following Okami sequel announcement
Posted on 2 weeks ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments
Capcom producer Yoshiaki Hirabayashi was recently asked to comment on the Nintendo DS game Okamiden in light of the recent Okami sequel announcement.
Depending on how you look at it, the series is in somewhat of a tricky spot. Technically, in some ways, Okamiden is a sequel to Okami – but it didn’t have any involvement with Hideki Kamiya, the IP’s original creator. Now Kamiya is on board to create a true sequel. However, some fans might be wondering what that means for Okamiden.
Nintendo needs to put these DS games on Nintendo Switch Online
Posted on 2 months ago by Ethan in DS, Features, Switch 2 | 0 comments
With the imminent reveal and eventual release of Nintendo’s next hardware, it’s safe to assume that we’ll eventually be seeing more retro platforms become available on Nintendo Switch Online. And with confirmation that the Switch 2 will be backwards compatible with standard Switch software, it’s also safe to assume that its Virtual Console-esque offerings won’t be starting over with the NES. Many would tell you that GameCube is the next platform Nintendo should add to their online services, and that makes sense – but given how large these games are (plus the presence of many remakes and ports on Switch, including Metroid Prime Remastered, both Pikmin games, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, and more), this seems unlikely. That said, the most likely platform to come to Nintendo Switch Online would be Nintendo DS. The Wii U actually had Nintendo DS games available for download on the eShop, so there’s some precedent here. And since Nintendo Switch lacks a microphone needed to play certain DS games, it’d make sense to wait for Switch 2 to release these titles back to the public.
So today, we’re looking at several DS games that Nintendo needs to add to Switch Online if or when the company does decide to add this platform to its lineup. Note that we’re only discussing likely games here – as great as the Pokemon titles on the DS are, it’s highly unlikely that they’ll ever be released this way – especially not when Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are already available and would be backwards compatible.
More: highlight, Nintendo Switch Online, top
Nintendo Museum has unseen hardware prototypes on display
Posted on 4 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, GameCube, GBA, General Nintendo, News, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments
In what has come as a surprise to many, a number of hardware prototypes were added to the Nintendo Museum just days before the official opening date.
One of the key complaints brought up with the location prior to its opening was that based on what was shown in the Direct and to the press, Nintendo didn’t delve much into its history here. However, this has been rectified a bit. Now that the museum has just started to open, fans have discovered that many prototypes are on display, including the earlier times with the Super Famicom and Virtual Boy, extending into the Wii U era. Some have been shown publicly before, but many have not.
More: Nintendo Museum, top
Rockstar reportedly worked on versions of The Warriors for GBA, Bully for DS
Posted on 7 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, GBA, News | 0 comments
Based on a new report from Time Extension, Rockstar Games was at one point working on versions of The Warriors for GBA and Bully for DS.
The Warriors, which did see a portable release on PSP, was apparently first considered for GBA. Time Extension spoke to a former Rockstar Games employee who said the GBA port was being handled by Rockstar Leeds. The Warriors for GBA would have used the same engine that powered Max Payne on the handheld. Despite essentially being complete, that version was cancelled since Rockstar wasn’t “really seeing good returns on Nintendo” and the company “didn’t like promoting M-rated games” back in the day.
More: Bully, Rockstar Games, The Warriors
Best Pokemon games of all time, ranked
Posted on 7 months ago by Ethan in 3DS, DS, Features, Switch | 0 comments
Today, we’re going over the best Pokemon games of all time – more specifically, the top 10 main series Pokemon games. Spin-offs don’t count for this particular list, but there are definitely plenty of those that are more than worth playing in the modern day.
The Pokemon series is, in a way, difficult to write about. At present, the series isn’t quite in a lull, per se, but it’s also most certainly not at its peak. Developing games is difficult, and for a never-ending media franchise like Pokemon, deadlines can be tough to meet. Over the past few years, titles like Sword and Shield and especially Scarlet and Violet have drawn criticism for several reasons. Though the design quality of individual Pokemon has remained strong, things like the graphics, performance, and postgame content have become somewhat inconsistent. This leads us to ask: what do you think are the best Pokemon games of all time? We’ve made our own list, so be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
More: Game Freak, highlight, Pokemon, top
Switch surpasses DS to become best-selling system ever in Japan
Posted on 9 months ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Switch | 0 comments
Switch has overtaken DS to become the best-selling gaming system ever in Japan. That’s according to the latest data from Famitsu.
Earlier today, the outlet reported that Switch sold another 40,000 units. The console’s overall total now sits at 32,903,701 units. To compare, the DS sold 32,864,129 units total in Japan. Switch secured the record during its 377th week on the market.
The complete history of Mythical Pokemon events
Posted on 10 months ago by Ethan in 3DS, DS, Features, GBA, Switch | 0 comments
One of the most common criticisms of modern Pokemon is its handling of Mythical Pokemon. Though the recent Mochi Mayhem DLC in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is a welcome exception, several important Mythical Pokemon have drawn attention for their distinct lack of backstory. Otherwise well-designed creatures like Diancie, Volcanion, Zeraora, and Zarude are somewhat notorious for doing absolutely nothing in the games they were introduced in. Today, we’re going over all the interesting Mythical Pokemon events the games have had to offer and coming up with new ones for the Mythical Pokemon that didn’t receive one.
Easy Shiny Pokemon to catch before Pokemon Bank closes
Posted on 11 months ago by Ethan in 3DS, DS, Guides | 0 comments
It’s not too long now until the near-complete closure of the Nintendo 3DS’ online services in April. Though most online games are closing their doors, Pokemon Bank is sticking around for a little while longer. That being said, we have no idea when exactly it will close – but we’d estimate it won’t be around for more than another year. If you’re looking to pad out your collection with some easy Shiny Pokemon, we’ve put together a list of easier Shiny hunts you can do before Pokemon Bank closes sometime in the near future. They all take place in past Pokemon games, and we’ll be including lots of different games here.
More: highlight, Pokemon Bank, top
Capcom aware of interest in Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth collection, but no announcements to share
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments
Capcom has acknowledged fan interest in an Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth collection that would contain the second game which has never released outside of Japan. However, it’s not comitting to anything official at this time.
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth ended up launching on DS worldwide. However, Ace Attorney Investigations 2 never left Japan. It’s one of the rare games in the series that has yet to be localized.
Retro Studios made Portal-esque Wii pitch “Adept”, details on scrapped “The Blob Game” for DS
Posted on 1 year ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, GameCube, News, Wii | 0 comments
Thanks to Did You Know Gaming, we have insight into a couple of short-lived Retro Studios projects – specifically Adept and “The Blob Game”.
Adept was playable in a rough state, but was ultimately just a pitch that Nintendo turned out. It was running in the Metroid Prime 3 engine and was intended to show off mechanics. In late 2007 and into early 2008, Retro was working on Adept that took inspiration from Portal while evolving on the premise – primarily by introducing combat.