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Following its original announcement last year, Arena of Valor is out now for all Switch owners as a free-to-play game. Watch the launch trailer below.

Various outlets are beginning to post new footage of Starlink: Battle for Atlas, and more specifically, the Star Fox footage. We’ll be rounding up videos throughout the day below.

The Nintendo UK store has opened pre-orders for Starlink: Battle for Atlas. Copies can reserved here.

As is tradition for the store, Nintendo UK is offering a pre-order bonus. Buyers will receive the poster pictured above.

GameXplain has put together a video comparing the visuals of FIFA 19 on Switch and Xbox One. Take a look at it below.

Nintendo will be offering a variety of different Switch bundles over the next couple of months, including one for Fortnite. Amazon is now taking pre-orders here.

The Fortnite Switch bundle launches October 5. It’ll include 1,000 V-bucks and the Double Helix Set, consisting of a unique Character Outfit, Back Bling, Glider and Pickaxe. 

SEGA released a new trailer for Valkyria Chronicles 4 to highlight the game’s western launch. View the video below.

NIS America will be putting Disgaea 1 Complete on Switch on October 9. To hold you over until then, check out the first 25 minutes below.

Mark of the Ninja: Remastered

As we heard today, Mark of the Ninja: Remastered lands October 9 on Switch. Watch a new trailer to promote the news below.

The Pokemon Company has passed along an official announcement for the new Pokemon Meltan. Find the full PR, along with a few images showing screenshots and art.


A few different videos have come in showing gameplay from FIFA 19 on Switch. We’ve rounded up the various footage below.

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