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NIS America will be putting Disgaea 1 Complete on Switch on October 9. To hold you over until then, check out the first 25 minutes below.

Mark of the Ninja: Remastered

As we heard today, Mark of the Ninja: Remastered lands October 9 on Switch. Watch a new trailer to promote the news below.

The Pokemon Company has passed along an official announcement for the new Pokemon Meltan. Find the full PR, along with a few images showing screenshots and art.


A few different videos have come in showing gameplay from FIFA 19 on Switch. We’ve rounded up the various footage below.


Over the past few days, there’s been talk of a new Pokemon surfacing through Pokemon GO. The creature has been officially unveiled today, which is known as Meltan.

Meltan is a brand new Hex Hut Pokemon. In the video below, Professor Oak and Professor Willow introduce the Pokemon, who has already been spotted in Pokemon GO and will be available in Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu / Eevee.

This is the Police 2

This is the Police 2 is appearing on Switch starting today. Take a look at some footage from the final version of the game below.

Mark of the Ninja: Remastered

Mark of the Ninja: Remastered was first announced for Switch on October 9. There hasn’t been much news about the game since then, but a release date has now been set.

You’ll be able to purchase Mark of the Ninja: Remastered on the Switch eShop starting October 9. The critically acclaimed action-stealth adventure will feature remastered visuals, audio, cutscenes and effects, an additional story level, a new character, additional items, and developer commentary.

Source: Nintendo PR

Capcom has opened up the official website for the upcoming Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy on Nintendo Switch. On it, you can watch the announcement trailer again, look at some screenshots and get an overview of how the games play. Some of the improvements added to this version are also pointed out on the website, such as checkmarks that let you know when you’ve fully examined one area and ten available save slots per language across all three games.


Fans of the long-running animated series South Park can come on down, as South Park: The Stick of Truth is now available for purchase and download from the Nintendo Switch eShop.

In celebration, Ubisoft has released an official launch trailer for the parody RPG title. Check out the footage below.

The latest issue of Famitsu magazine has revealed that Imagineer is releasing Little Friends: Dogs & Cats for the Switch in Japan. A game in the vein of Nintendogs, Little Friends will allow you to live and interact with dogs and cats.

Also, it’s been revealed that the previously announced Fitness Boxing, also by Imagineer, will be launching on December 20 in Japan. Fitness Boxing will be published by Nintendo in the West; we will keep you updated once a Western release date has been announced.

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