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Super Mario Run is hosting one of its regular events. This weekend, the items you can earn from Remix 10’s Super Bonus Game are all related to Mario.

The available rewards include:


Here’s another clip:

Original: Atlus has published a new video from Persona Q2 showing a brief scene from early on in the game. The Phantom Thieves end up getting lost in an unknown town while exploring Mementos.

Here’s the clip:


Night Trap - 25th Anniversary Edition

After previously failing to release on Nintendo consoles dating all the way back to 1992, Night Trap: 25th Anniversary Edition finally appeared on Switch this week. We have the official launch trailer below.


This week’s Switch eShop charts are as follows:


Xenoblade Chronicles 2 received its latest notable update yesterday, primarily adding in content for Expansion Pass owners. As part of this, items are available that can be acquired in exchange for Flawless Noponstones in Challenge Battle: Nopondemonium, including swimsuits. Check out some of the different looks for the characters in the video below.

Daemon X Machina

A few weeks ago, we translated a 4Gamer interview conducted with producer Kenichiro Tsukuda. The site actually ended up bringing back Tsukuda for a second interview, who was also joined by mech designer Shoji Kawamori. Topics include the game’s origins, designing the mechs, and more on the visual style including making the graphics stand out.

We’ve prepared a full translation of 4Gamer’s Daemon X Machina interview. Continue on below for the discussion.

Several new games out came out this week on the eShop. If you’re interested in checking out what’s new in screenshot form, take a look at the gallery below.


Mario Kart 8 Deluxe was the first Nintendo game to be updated with Nintendo Labo support. As for third-party titles, we’re starting to finally see some movement on that front.

Nintendo’s Japanese website reveals that Deemo will soon be compatible with Labo. You’ll be able to use the Toy-Con Piano to play some of the songs with an update scheduled for October.

Limited Run Games has revealed the next two additions from its physical Switch collection.

Dust: An Elysian Tail – featuring a reversible cover – will be up first, with pre-orders opening next week. Playtonic’s 3D platformer Yooka-Laylee will follow.

Limited Run will start taking pre-orders for Dust: An Elysian Tail on August 31. Yooka-Laylee will be just a few days after on September 3.


Nicalis is going all out for the physical version of Blade Strangers. Fans will be able to use a few different alternate covers, pictured above. They were designed by Kinu Nishimura.

Blade Strangers launches next Tuesday. The physical version includes an instruction booklet and PVC strap.


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