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BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle

Arc System Works has outlined what BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle players will be able to stream and upload when the fighter launches next week.

Matches, tutorial videos, online gameplay, and similar things of those nature are allowed. However, streaming story mode is forbidden. Arc System Works may allow “very short clips of Episode Mode content up to Chapter 2”, though only for video content.

Octolings won’t be playable in Splatoon 2 until Octo Expansion arrives this summer. However, some folks have managed to hack them into the game in large part because files for these characters already exist. A few players who have done this have also gone online as Octolings, which Nintendo apparently wasn’t happy about.

We’re hearing reports that some players who hacked in Octolings have been banned by Nintendo. The company is sending out emails about the restriction that affects all of Splatoon 2’s online multiplayer.

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Mario Tennis Aces

Mario Tennis Aces is now available to pre-load from the Switch eShop. By doing so, you can purchase the game in advance and download the required data.

If you’re a My Nintendo member, you can receive double the Gold Points when pre-loading Mario Tennis Aces. Here’s the full rundown from Nintendo:

Chameleon Run Deluxe Edition

Chameleon Run is coming soon to Switch, Hyberbolic Magnetism has announced. It will be distributed on the eShop as a Deluxe Edition on June 14.

A fast-paced autorunner, Chameleon Run received acclaim when it originally released on mobile. The Switch version will have six new levels as well as a special fourth objective to complete in each level (must finish the game first to unlock it).


Later this month, the rhythm game MUSYNX will be making its way to Switch. Take a look at 16 minutes of footage in the video below.

The Nintendo UK store has started accepting pre-orders for the new release of Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker. You can reserve the Switch version here and 3DS version here.

All pre-orders will come with a special bonus. Consumers will be provided with Captain Toad & Toadette Pin Badges, pictured above. 

Crystal Crisis

Nicalis released the full opening cinematic for the Switch puzzle fighter Crystal Crisis. We have the video attached below.


Fortnite isn’t the only new Switch game to have been rated in South Korea. Legendary Fishing, an unannounced project from Ubisoft, also appeared on the classification site.

For the most part, it’s unclear what Legendary Fishing entails. The rating does say that you use a fishing rod to catch fish and accomplish missions… and that’s about it.

We’ll hopefully have more information soon.

Source, Via

Kero Blaster

Kero Blaster was confirmed for Switch earlier in the year. Studio Pixel provided a status update today, announcing a release window for this summer.

Daisuke “Pixel” Amaya, the creator of Cave Story, made Kero Blaster back in 2014. We have an overview for the 2D side-scrolling action game below, along with a trailer. 

Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana

NIS America published a new gameplay trailer for the Switch version of Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana. Watch it below.

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