Rime launches for Switch on November 14 in North America, November 17 in Europe
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 17 Comments
Rime finally has a release date on Switch. Grey Box, Six Foot, and Tequila Works have announced that the game will head to Nintendo’s console on November 14 in North America. The European release is set for November 17.
Rime will be sold digitally via the eShop for $29.99 / €34.99 / £29.99. Fans can also purchase a special physical edition containing the full game and a digital download code for the soundtrack at a price of $39.99 / €44.99 / £39.99.
Raúl Rubio Munárriz, CEO and creative director of Tequila Works, said of bringing Rime to Switch:
“As big fans of Nintendo, we truly appreciate our fans’ patience as Tantalus and Tequila Works continue working on RiME on Nintendo Switch; we are all committed to making sure all players get the high-quality experience they deserve.”
We have a few screenshots of Rime on Switch below.
Source: Grey Box PR
More: Grey Box, Rime, Six Foot, Tantalus, Tequila Works
Sonic Mania – first Special Stages gameplay, Bonus Stages and Time Attack revealed
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 2 Comments
At Comic-Con last month, SEGA announced that Special Stages will be included in Sonic Mania. It has since been confirmed that Bonus Stages (“Blue Spheres”) and Time Attack are in.
Here’s the rundown of each:
More: Headcannon, PagodaWest Games, SEGA, Sonic Mania, Tantalus
Fire Emblem Warriors details – Female Robin and Cordelia, gameplay mechanics
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 2 Comments
Along with today’s screenshots, Koei Tecmo published a new wave of details for Fire Emblem Warriors. Read up on the information about Female Robin, Cordelia, and gameplay mechanics below, courtesy of Gematsu.
Robin (Female) (voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro)
– She lost her memory and was rescued by the Shepherds when lying unconscious, before joining their cause
Cordelia (voiced by Eimi Okada)
– A member of the Halidom of Ylisse’s Pegasus Knights
– She links up with Chrom and fights as part of his army
– She is a genius who can handle almost anything flawlessly
Wargroove details archers, passive abilities, and reinforcements
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 3 Comments
Chucklefish published a new blog for Wargroove earlier today covering three different topics. We’re able to learn about archers, passive abilities, and reinforcements. The full details from Chucklefish’s new post can be found below.
Lately we have spent a considerable effort in balancing the game, and figuring out exactly how all the game mechanics need to work for a fun, interesting experience, while preventing the game from becoming too overwhelming. Today I’d like to talk about some of those.
First, we needed an early game ranged unit, to provide tactical coverage for your front line melee units. Units like trebuchets add a lot of tactical options to the game, but are quite expensive. To solve this, we introduced archers, which are infantry units that can shoot at range 3. One thing that makes them behave differently from trebuchets is that archers can move and attack on the same turn, whereas trebuchets can only do one of the two actions on each turn.
More: Chucklefish, Wargroove
Capcom: Monster Hunter XX Switch version is another test to evaluate our support for Switch
Posted on 7 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch | 202 Comments
Ultra Street Fighter II was seen by Capcom as a sort of test run for the Switch – the company has said that its sales numbers would influence their future support for the platform. The game has exceeded Capcom’s expectation, selling about 450,000 copies worldwide so far. However, it seems Capcom is not quite done testing the Switch yet. During a Q&A session at their recent financial results meeting for the past quarter, someone inquired about Capcom’s future support for the Switch given Ultra Street Fighter II’s success. Here’s what Capcom had to say:
The Nintendo Switch seems to be doing very well, and we look forward to further growth in its install base. Beginning with Monster Hunter XX (Double Cross) Nintendo Switch Ver. for Japan, we are evaluating how we will support this platform in the future.
Pokken Tournament DX: Charizard trailer
Posted on 7 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
The next Pokken Tournament DX character trailer is here – this time, the focus is on Charizard. Give it a watch:
More: Pokken Tournament DX
Fire Emblem Warriors screenshots showing off Female Robin, Cordelia, and more
Posted on 7 years ago by Andrew in New Nintendo 3DS, News, Switch | 4 Comments
Koei Tecmo has updated their official Japanese website for Fire Emblem Warriors with some new screenshots showing off the the recently announced characters, Female Robin and Cordelia. There were also other screenshots uploaded to the website showing off some the game’s mechanics such as weapons, movement, tactics, and bonds.
You can check out the new screenshots below in the gallery.
UK software sales (Week ending 7/29/2017)
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Switch | 4 Comments
This week’s UK software sales are as follows:
Individual formats
All formats
* Note: this data is later than usual due to Chart-Track updating its charts two days late. We finally have all of the data, but we’re unsure what the delay was this week.
More: Chart-Track, charts, sales, UK
Residents of New Donk City in Super Mario Odyssey are officially known as “New Donkers”
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 20 Comments
One of the more interesting areas in Super Mario Odyssey is New Donk City. Mario finds himself in a location he has never visited previously in one of his platformer outings, that being a realistic city with humans.
Today’s Japanese Twitter update for Super Mario Odyssey confirms a neat little nugget about New Donk City. The citizens here are known as “New Donkers”, interestingly enough. This was suggested in Super Mario Odyssey’s in-game map brochure, but Nintendo officially confirms the term.
With New Donk City being a reference to New York City, that does make sense. New York City residents are often called New Yorkers after all.
More: Super Mario Odyssey
New Monster Hunter XX Switch trailer
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Switch, Videos | 3 Comments
Capcom released a new “Hunter Life” trailer for the upcoming Switch version of Monster Hunter XX. View today’s video below.