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According to a new report from Vandal, Switch is now Spain’s best console launch ever. The PlayStation 4 was the previous record holder, but the torch has been passed to Nintendo’s system having sold 45,000 units in its first three days.

Switch seems to have sold through almost its entire batch of stock in Spain. Roughly 50,000 units were shipped to the country, resulting in a very high sell-through rate. More units should be making their way to out Spain in the weeks ahead.

Source, Via

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In making The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, director Hidemaro Fujibayashi tells The New Yorker that the team had total freedom. He told the publication about how Nintendo approached development:

“They said, ‘Change anything you want.’ So we wrote down all of the stress points, the things that make Zelda games less enjoyable, and we replaced them with new ideas.”

The New Yorker also spoke with technical director Takuhiro Dohta about Breath of the Wild’s chemistry engine. This is built on top of the physics engine, and allows for all sorts of antics like cooking, fire spreading on grass, and much more.

Putting it together wasn’t easy though. “At many times in the process, there were things that just weren’t functioning at all,” Dohta said. “We’d have to remove everything and build back up again.”

Thanks to Kotaku, we have an extensive look at the upcoming Switch game LEGO Worlds. View 42 minutes of gameplay below.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has all sorts of neat secrets and Easter eggs. Included among them is a small but interesting callback to the first game in the series.

You can find the video showing the Easter egg after the break. It’s not really a spoiler, but we’re trying to be extra careful. Also note that one of the special amiibo outfits is shown.

The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ was initially planned for Switch’s launch before being delayed to later in the month as a result of unspecified issues. Thankfully, the wait won’t be much longer.

Retailers had already listed The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ for March 17. On Twitter, Nicalis confirms that this is indeed the final date.

Copies of The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ will contain reversible cover art and two exclusive sticker sheets along with a 20-page full-color instruction booklet.


Rime is due out later on Switch than other platforms, and when it does, it’ll be $10 more. Grey Box has since commented on the price increase with Eurogamer.

“We set prices for our products based on the costs of development and publishing for each specific platform,” the publisher said.

Rime on Switch will be the same as other versions, “though with the added freedom to take the adventure anywhere using the Switch’s portable functionality”. Tequila Works and Switch-specific developer Tantalus are “investigating the use of Switch-specific features, but we cannot confirm anything at the moment”.


Originally, Rime was targeted to launch for Switch in May alongside other platforms. However, it’s now seeing a slight delay.

Grey Box, Six Foot, and developer Tequila Works announced today that Rime’s primarily launch is set for May 26. It will ship shortly after on Switch.

The delay is a bit disappointing, but on the bright side, Rime is officially getting a retail release. We’ve included Rime’s boxart below.

The one strange thing here is Rime’s price. Today’s announcement mentions that the game will cost $39.99 / €44.99 / £39.99 on Switch, while other versions are $29.99 / €34.99 / £29.99.

Source: Grey Box PR

Awhile back, 8Bitdo released a Retro Receiver for the NES Classic Edition. When connected to the hardware, players can use controllers wirelessly. Lots of options are supported, ranging from Wii Remotes to PlayStation 4’s DualShock 4.

An update has now been made available to users to add compatibility with Switch. Once applied, you’ll be able to use the Joy-Con with the NES Classic Edition along with the Switch Pro Controller.

You can download the latest firmware here. Manuals for the new controller options are located here.


Many people were upset when they found out that there was no Activity Log on Switch when Wii U and 3DS do have that functionality. We thought that it would be necessary to view similar information using the Switch Parental Controls app, but it turns out the feature was there all along.

Well, technically it’s not the same Activity Log as on the other Nintendo platforms. However, after a week of using the new console, you’ll be able to see your play time for games in your profile, at the top left of the Home Menu screen.

Here’s a look:

Source, Via

Insomnia60, one of the biggest gaming festivals in the UK, will take place next month, specefically from the 14th to the 17th of April at The NEC Birmingham and Nintendo has already confirmed that they will go and that a lot of upcoming games for Switch will be there, too.

ARMS, Splatoon 2, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and the new Zelda Breath of the Wild will be playable throughout the festival at the Nintendo Zone that will come to Insomnia60. Additionally, there will be a lot of Zelda related activities on the 16th of April like the orchestral concert The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses, mini-games from the last game, a quiz and a cosplay event about this franchise.

There will also be gameplay demonstrations and tournaments for some of Switch games like Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers, Snipperclips, 1-2-Switch and Super Bomberman R.

If you want more information about the festival you can head to the Insomnia60’s official website and stay tuned to what Nintendo UK still has to reveal.

Source, Via


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