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Wii U

Nintendo will hold a Splatoon event during the Game Party Japan 2015 on December 31 and January 1 in Tokyo, the company has announced. The Wii U game will be playable as well. I imagine the demo will be the same as the one shown at E3 in June, but maybe Nintendo will surprise us!

Source, Via

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Another Splatoon screenshot arrived on the game’s English Tumblr account today. View the new image below, and an explanation below.

This just in! There appear to be some members of the octopus forces that hit hard like a freight train. They’re also not so easy on the eyes… Just remember this: if it’s got two legs—look out!



The Xenoblade Chronicles X staff introductions continued today on the game’s Japanese Twitter account.

Director Tetsuya Takahashi posted the following about designer Hideyuki Matsumoto:

“The introduction of outside designers ends with Mr. Hideyuki Matsumoto. We both worked at the same company before and he helped out with Xenosaga, too. He’s very knowledgeable about things related to weaponry, so for this project I put him mainly in charge of designing the weapons the characters will use.”

Takahashi and Matsumoto worked together while at Squaresoft. Matsumoto has been involved with Front Mission 4 and 5, Project Sylpheed, At Tonelico, and Armored Core 3 as well as anime such as Zettai Karen Children.

Takahashi’s update also confirms that Kusanagi Company (Ni no Kuni DS, Persona 4 anime cut-scenes) handled background design for Xenoblade Chronicles X. “They’re a professional group used to creating 3D models based on drawings, so I can always leave things to them without worrying,” Takahashi noted.


Philippe Lavoué from Nintendo of France provided another round of sales numbers in an interview with Le Figaro. Check out a summary of what was shared below.

– amiibo have been successful thus far
– All figures have been popular, but some are harder to find like Kirby and Wii Fit Trainer
– Smash Bros. 3DS sold 220,000 copies since launch; Special bundle with 3DS XL + game back in stores this week
– Still targeting 200,000 copies for Smash Bros. Wii U, though this could be higher with Christmas sales
– Smash Bros. Basic bundle confirmed for France
– Wii U sold 490,000 units (vs. 340,000 units in May)
– Nintendo expects 550,000 units for Wii U by the end of the year; Smash Bros. bundle should help
– Tomodachi Life sold over 400,000 units in France
– Tomodachi Life sold over 1 million copies in Europe as a whole
– There are only 10,000 units of the 2DS and Tomodachi Life bundle left in France
– Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire sold 400,000 copies in 3 weeks
– Nintendo expects 500,000 units/540,000 units for Pokemon sold in France by the end of the year
– Disney Magical World: all units for launch have been sold (50,000 units), and there’s already been new stocks sent to retailers
– New Super Mario Bros. 2 is hard to find in France and is selling about 14,000 units per week over the past few weeks
– Animal Crossing: New Leaf is selling about 15,000 units per week currently

Source, Via

Though set to release on January 2nd next year, UK retailer GAME is reportedly selling Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker a bit before schedule. In related news, GAME are still in business. Reports are showing that shipments of the Wii U game have an “availability” date of 19/12/2014, online orders are currently being shipped and stores will have the game in stock on Monday – just in time for Christmas! Then again, there’s always a chance that Nintendo will put a stop to all this street-date-breaking, so don’t count your Toads before they, er, ship.


Will Zelda Wii U and Star Fox Wii U make use of amiibo? It certainly sounds like it.

During Shigeru Miyamoto’s recent interview with iJustine, he indicated that both titles will feature amiibo integration of some sort. Specifics were not shared, however.

Miyamoto said:

“I can’t really say just yet… but we do plan on doing something so that people who have amiibo will get some enjoyment out of having amiibo and using them in those games.”


Mario Maker

Another excerpt coming from today’s iJustine Shigeru Miyamoto video concerns Mario Maker. Miyamoto once again confirmed online functionality for the title, and went as far as to say that popularity rankings are being implemented.

Miyamoto’s full words are below:

You’ll be able to see what happens when other people play your course, or when you play other peoples courses… there’ll be popularity rankings for the most popular courses and things like that… so there’s a lot on the community side.


We shared iJustine’s new interview with Shigeru Miyamoto a short while ago, but I figured this was worth a separate post. When we get comments about Zelda Wii U, they’re certainly worth paying the extra attention to.

Here’s the Q&A about the new game:

You showed the Zelda trailer and that’s such a huge world. How is that going to be for you guys to approach as far as gameplay and story, because it’s such a huge world.

With Zelda games, what we’ve always done is try to make them where you enter this big world of Hyrule and there’s a lot to explore and discover, but because of the hardware limitations, what we’ve had to do is segment off each area and piece those segments together in a way that make them feel like a big world. Now, with the hardware capabilities of Wii U, we first started by saying if we can take an entire world the size of the world from Twilight Princess, and make that the size of one of the areas in the game.

Do you see that as a game where people will go to complete a certain mission and they end up doing fifty things along the way?

Yeah, there may even be times where you forget what your goal is, because you are doing other things on the side. There may be times where you go in to one big one long dungeon, or you’re headed for a dungeon and doing other things on the side. What we’re trying to do is design it in a way where you don’t have to play it for a super long time, but more matched to today’s lifestyle where you can think for a little bit, and say “maybe I just want to play for a little bit today and do this one thing.” and get that thing done, then take a break.


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