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CW-Games hopes to launch Chimpuzzle Pro on the European Wii U eShop on July 31 “if everything goes well.” Footage from the game is posted above.

Around the Water Cooler is the latest feature we’re introducing on Nintendo Everything. It’s mainly being led by Scott – someone who you may have seen before if you’ve checked out his Unlikely Review video (more of those are hopefully coming soon by the way!).

So here’s the deal. Around the Water Cooler is you’re opportunity to sound off on Nintendo-related subjects. Every two weeks, Scott will come up with a new topic (we are definitely welcoming topic ideas from you guys), and discussions will be held in each post. The subsequent video will highlight select comments about the previous topic made on both the main site and/or on YouTube.

Scott wanted me to let you know that this first video is a bit of a pilot. We already have a few improvements in mind, and your comments/interest will shape Around the Water Cooler’s future. Also: you’ll see more than just a silly green screen next time!

And now for this week’s topic: 2D vs. 3D Mario…

Sound off in the comments below!

Here’s a direct-feed version of the Super Smash Bros. for 3DS alternate trailer we posted on the site a few days ago. It’s a bit low-quality, but better than nothing!

Thanks to Jake for the tip.

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