Nearly three years ago, Tomorrow Corporation brought Little Inferno to the eShop in time for the Wii U’s launch. The studio is now almost ready to release its next game, Human Resource Machine. Just a few weeks ago, an announcement was made confirming a Wii U launch for October 14.
We recently got in touch with Tomorrow Corporation’s Kyle Gabler in hopes of learning more about Human Resource Machine. Gabler shared more information about the game and talked about what we can expect from the Wii U version, and also touched on a few other topics like the Nindies community and the difficulties of being a small team.
For our full interview, head past the break.
SplatNet, the multiplayer service hub for Splatoon, is now accessible in English. You can access it here. Previously, the website was only displayed in Japanese.
Splatoon players can access a variety of information on SplatNet. This includes:
– Friend List status (see if they’re playing)
– Rank data
– Gear and weapons you’ve equipped while playing online
– Information about stages
It’s also possible to link your Nintendo Network ID to your Twitter account.
Here’s the official announcement from Nintendo:
Log into with your NNID to recruit friends for #Splatoon battles, view rankings and more!
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) October 6, 2015
Our latest look at The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes shows off the Moldorm boss fight. The latest footage, as uploaded by GameSpot, is attached below.
Additional footage has come in for the indie title Race the Sun. Take a look at the newest video below, coming from NintenDaan.
Next week, The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses will be appearing on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert as the show’s musical guest. The performance is taking place on October 13. According to Nintendo, this includes highlights from Zelda: Tri Force Heroes.
Watch Dogs is on sale for $11.99 over on Best Buy. To get in on the deal, check out the retailer’s page here. The price should be valid until stock runs out.
Thanks to Jake for the tip.
Nielsen has conducted a poll to determine the most-anticipated games of Holiday 2015.
On Wii U, Yoshi’s Woolly World came out on top with a 91 percent score. Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival, Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash, and Devil’s Third also ranked highly.
Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden is the most-anticipated 3DS game according to Nielson, followed by Zelda: Tri Force Heroes and Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon.
Nielson said of its Nintendo findings:
Though Nintendo may be short on multi-platform titles this holiday, it has a surplus of high-profile exclusives, with a total of seven highly anticipated games on Wii U or 3DS due out in the coming months. U.S. gamers are keen to jump into Yoshi’s Woolly World (91%) on Wii U after the publisher released the title in the U.K. earlier this year, and the combination of Animal Crossing and Amiibo is generating a great deal of excitement among many Wii U gamers for Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival (84%). Nintendo’s console will also see exclusive releases of Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash (80%) and a relatively rare M-rated exclusive with the new action title Devil’s Third (76%). Gamers on the 3DS are looking forward to The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes (86%) and Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon (77%), new titles that build on two of Nintendo’s biggest franchises. The 3DS will also welcome a third-party exclusive that gamers are enthusiastic for; fighting game Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden (88%) from Bandai Namco.
The Nielsen Game rank, which is what the rankings above are based on, “represents the overall anticipation level among gamers on each platform, based on a combination of several key measures (including awareness, purchase interest, consumer rating and others).” As for the percentage, this “reflects how strong the overall anticipation level is for the title, relative to the pre-release anticipation levels of all previous titles that released on the platform(s).”
All games releasing between October 1 and December 31 were eligible for the survey. Additionally, data was gathered from over 4,800 gamers age 7 to 54 between the dates of August 24 and September 19.
Chibi-Robo!: Zip Lash is arriving later this week on 3DS. Get another look at the game in video form below.
The Mewtwo amiibo can now be pre-ordered on Amazon UK. You can do so right here.. Pre-orders from the U.S. aren’t allowed, but this may come in handy for our UK readers!
GameStop has a pre-order bonus lined up for Yo-Kai Watch. Reserve the game and you’ll receive a pin featuring Jibanyan. This offer should definitely be valid in-store, but it hasn’t been reflected on GameStop’s website listing just yet.