The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time will be available on the European Wii U eShop later this week as a Virtual Console download. Watch the official trailer below.
A new multiplayer mode is coming to Splatoon tomorrow (Thursday in Europe). Nintendo will be adding Tower Control, which is a variant of the Ranked Battle.
Tower Control will launch at the following times:
7 PM PT (Wednesday)
10 PM ET (Wednesday)
3 AM in the UK (Thursday)
4 AM in Europe (Thursday)
Nintendo Treehouse: Live will be showing off Tower Control on Twitch today at 6 PM ET / 3 PM PT. We’ll have an embed version on the site before it goes live.
Head past the break for today’s official announcement with details about Tower Control.
Tower Control is coming to #Splatoon tomorrow at 7 PM PT! Read about it:
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) June 30, 2015
Watch Nintendo Treehouse: Live with Splatoon Tower Control today at 3 PM PT to get an early look at the new mode!
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) June 30, 2015
Famitsu has an update on Project X Zone 2 this week, including a Japanese release date.
Project X Zone 2 launches in Japan on November 12. Bandai Namco is also preparing some first-print bonuses and a limited edition, which have been detailed as follows:
– Challenge map DLC titled The Girl from 10 Years Ago
– This gives the special item called “Black Hot Pants” upon clearing it
– A special 3DS theme will also be part of the first-print bonus
– Limited edition for 9,980 yen
– This is the “Original Game Sound Edition”
– Limited edition has a special feature that lets you play using over 60 tracks from the first Project X Zone game
– The limited edition also includes a DLC for “Valkyrie no Boken: Toki no Kagi Densetsu with Xiaomu”
– Basically a special arrangement for Valkyrie no Boken that makes Xiaomu playable
– Special 3DS theme called “Namco X Capcom 10th Anniversary” included in the limited edition version
Famitsu also has information about Project X Zone 2’s new “Mirage Cancel” battle system. By pressing the “B” button during a regular attack, players can cancel it and enter slow motion so that critical hits can performed more easily.
This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:
The Great Ace Attorney (3DS) – 9/9/9/8
Forest of Poitto Kororoke (3DS) – 8/8/10/7
Deemo: Last Recital (PSV) – 8/8/9/8
Cho Tousouchuu Atsumare Saikyou no Tousousya Tach (3DS) – 7/8/8/7
Taiko no Tatsujin V Version (PSV) – 7/8/8/7
Ping Pong Trick Shot 2 (3DS) – 6/6/6/5
Gu-nyan (3DS) – 6/6/6/5
Warren Spector, creator of Epic Mickey, shared high praise for Nintendo in a recent interview.
Spector mentioned how Nintendo tends to make unique and different games. While he’s unsure what the company’s future looks like from a hardware perspective, he feels that having games on mobile devices will allow Nintendo to be just fine.
I’m kind of a Nintendo geek. I don’t want to get myself in trouble….you know, I’m looking around the show floor here. And let’s say there are 2500 games being shown. 2400 of them all look exactly alike. You can’t even tell which one you’re looking at, you know? And it drives me crazy.
And then you go to IndieCade, and you go to Nintendo, and all of a sudden it’s like, “Oooh, games can be different. Cool!” So I think from a creative standpoint, from a design standpoint, from an IP standpoint, from a graphics standpoint, I think Nintendo rocks.
The thing is, I mean, from a hardware standpoint it’s hard to say what Nintendo’s future looks like, let’s be honest about that. But the fact that they’re finally gonna put their IP on mobile…they’re fine. There are a billion smartphones on the planet. They’re gonna do just fine when Mario hits that.
Comcept shared some new info about Mighty No.9 today. In the next couple of days, those who have backed the Kickstarter should receive a survey via e-mail which allows them to choose which platform they want to play the game on. If you’re a backer, you will have until July 31st to make your choice.
The Wii U version of Mighty No. 9 will be released in North America on September 15h and on September 18th in the rest of the world. The 3DS version will be available at a later date.
Last week Nintendo held their 75th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. No major news came out of it and the election of the company’s 10 Directors was no surprise either as all 10 current Directors were re-elected. Today, Nintendo released some supplementary info about the meeting, including the exact numbers of said vote. Compared to last year’s vote, approval ratings are higher across the board, especially for Genyo Takeda and Shigeru Miyamoto. Looks like shareholders were pleased with Nintendo’s performance this past year, which isn’t a huge surprise given that the company had a profitable fiscal year. Check out the approval ratings below (last year’s numbers in parentheses):
– Satoru Iwata: 83.45% (80.64%)
– Genyo Takeda: 92.07% (86.80%)
– Shigeru Miyamoto: 92.08% (86.81%)
– Tatsumi Kimishima: 92.60% (89.11%)
– Shigeyuki Takahashi: 94.46% (93.32%)
– Satoshi Yamato: 94.46% (93.33%)
– Susumu Tanaka: 94.46% (93.33%)
– Shinya Takahashi: 94.46% (93.33%)
– Hirokazu Shinshi: 94.46% (93.33%)
– Naoki Mizutani: 94.52% (94.03%)
Sega announced today that 7th Dragon III: Code VFO will be released for the 3DS on October 15th. The real puzzle here is exactly who is developing the game – previous entries in this RPG series were handled by Imageepoch, who filed for bankruptcy earlier this year. Despite not revealing the actual studio behind it, we know that the director is Masayuki Kawabata, who was behind some of the more recent Phantasy Star games and will be produced by Juro Watari. Both are known for games with more action-packed combat so perhaps this entry in the traditionally turn-based series will be trying for a different gameplay style. Like previous 7th Dragon games, the soundtrack is being handled by Yuzo Koshiro and features character designs by artist Shirow Miwa.
As June draws to a close, I’m back with a second look back at the history of Monolith Soft and the games they created over the last generation of Nintendo consoles – with the exception of the actual Game of the Month. This was a period of change for the company and saw the release of several more experimental titles. Bandai Namco sold the majority of their stock in Monolith Soft to Nintendo in 2007 and while they wouldn’t become a first-party developer until later, all games from this point on would be on Nintendo consoles. Despite this, Monolith would still keep close ties with their previous owner, who took on publishing duties for some of their more niche games. Following the release of Baten Kaitos Origins there was a gap of two years before Monolith Soft’s next title – Soma Bringer.
Capcom released a launch trailer for The Great Ace Attorney in Japan last night. You can now watch it with fan-made English subtitles below.