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GameStop is running a promotion in which consumers can obtain $100 for their 3DS XL units and $75 for 3DS/2DS units towards the purchase of a New 3DS XL (through February 15). There’s just one issue: transferring data from one 3DS system to another requires both systems, and can take a decent amount of time to complete.

With that in mind, Polygon spoke with a few GameStop locations in Ohio and learned that there’s a plan in place for the situation. Here’s the full rundown:

  1. Go to GameStop. Purchase a $200 New 3DS XL
  2. Take your system home, go through the transfer process
  3. Take your existing system and your new system back to GameStop
  4. Return your new system for a full refund of $200
  5. Trade-in your existing system for $100
  6. Rebuy your New 3DS XL, use the $100 credit to pay for half the purchase

Not the easiest process in the world, but at least it’s something!



Atlus recently published an interview on the game’s Japanese blog with director Shinjiro Takada and art director Akiko Kotoh. Siliconera has now provided a translation.

Takada and Kotoh touched on Record Breaker’s subtitle, Durarara!! guest characters, and more. You can find the full roundup below.

On the Record Breaker subtitle…

“I can’t give you the deeper meaning behind it today. As for subtitles, during the development of part 1, we named it Overclocked when we released it for the 3DS, which I believe gave it a strong sense and a feeling of ‘surpassing its predecessor’.” – Kotoh

“The [Record Breaker] subtitle has some deep roots in the story, so it’s kind of difficult to comment on that…There are actually several meanings behind it, so please check it out for yourselves once you get to play it.” – Takada

We’ve posted these screenshots from the Japanese Splatoon Twitter account over the past month or so. However, they’ve now been distributed in English, along with English descriptions for all images. View the full set below.

From sandals to boots and everything in between, Shrimp Kicks has the hottest selection of Inkling footwear. With such a delicious…I mean, uh, professional-looking salesman, it’s no wonder the store is so popular! If you see a pair of kicks you like, snap ‘em up before they’re sold out!

Participating in battles seems to be the key to earning experience and raising your rank. This rank is the yardstick by which your “coolness” will be measured!

Breaking news! In this crazy squid society, “coolness” is apparently a pretty big deal. So much so, in fact, that the shopkeepers won’t even give you the time of day if you’re not cool enough. Battle it up to make sure you’re as fresh and fly as possible before trying to buy the latest gear.



Circle Entertainment has confirmed that Adventure Bar Story is coming to the North American 3DS eShop on February 19. No word on pricing just yet. Check out a trailer for the game above.

Dying Light’s Nintendo-related Easter eggs don’t stop at Mario. GameSpot has also spotted a Zelda reference in the game – specifically for the Master Sword. That might be the end of the Nintendo goodies!


Update: The figures are going for the same price at GameStop.

Three amiibo from the Super Smash Bros. series are down to $10 each over at Best Buy. Those figures are Yoshi, Donkey Kong, and Peach. I’m not sure how long this “sale” will last – perhaps until stock is depleted.

Y2K footage

Posted 10 years ago by in Videos, Wii U eShop | 0 comments

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