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Cubit The Hardcore Platformer Robot will be released on the European 3DS eShop next week, CoderChild has confirmed. The studio announced on Twitter:

Cubit The Hardcore Platformer Robot landed in North America in December of last year and is available for purchase now.


A new rating for Pac-Land has appeared on the OFLC. The listing likely pertains to a future re-release on the Virtual Console. OFLC doesn’t specify any platform, so it could be for the Wii U, 3DS, or both systems.

Source, Via

AeternoBlade has received its first round of downloadable content. Players can purchase two items – a swimsuit costume priced at $0.99 as well as an Arena Mode for $1.99. More DLC should be coming to AeternoBlade in the future.


Nintendo’s online store is currently holding a sale on refurbished Wii U Deluxe Sets. You can get the console along with Nintendo Land for $205 (includes shipping). Normally, the item is sold for $250.

You can grab the refurbished Wii U here.



The Denpa Men 3: Rise of the Digi Toll will head overseas this summer. Genius Sonority is localizing the game for both North America and Europe, the company revealed today.

3DS owners can get their hands on a demo for The Denpa Men 3 sometime in May. Players will be able to carry over their progress to the final eShop release.

You can find a trailer for The Denpa Men 3: Rise of the Digi Toll above.

SnowCastle’s Kickstarter for “Earthlock: Festival of Magic” is now live. You can find it here.

Earthlock: Festival of Magic is described as “an original turn-based role-playing game set in a world of machines and magic, a world that stopped spinning thousands of years ago.” Players will take on the role of Amon as they attempt to stop a war brewing on Umbra. To do so, they’ll need to unlock the mysteries of the planet “and prevent an ancient, magical cult seizing the power.”

Festival of Magic is Volume 1 of the Earthlock series. If the $150,000 funding goal is reached, the game will come to Wii U in Q2 2015.

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