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Remember how Nintendo was giving out a special jersey as part of a Nintendo TVii contest during the Super Bowl? Now something similar is being done for March Madness.

Those who use Nintendo TVii during March Madness can enter for a chance to win a limited edition Nintendo varsity sweater. The content news was tweeted out a short while ago:


Wii Sports Club’s free-to-play weekend is officially a global event. Nintendo followed up with a confirmation for Europe today, following last week’s announcements for North America and Japan. All of Wii Sports Club’s offerings can be played for free on Saturday and Sunday only.


Cypronia is bringing My Style Studio: Hair Salon to the Wii U eShop next week, a listing on Nintendo’s website confirms. The game will be out on March 27 in North America.

You’ll find an overview of My Style Studio: Hair Salon after the break.

Unity on Wii U has been a staple for quite a long time now. 3DS, on the other hand, has yet to receive the same support.

There is some encouraging news to share about the future at least. Nintendo of America senior manager of marketing Damon Baker told Siliconera at GDC this week that the company is “looking at” bringing Unity to 3DS.

He said:

The Year of Luigi is no more. It officially ended on on March 18, and Shigeru Miyamoto closed out the festivities with one final message. You can find it in full below.

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